Good News! mhr 8700 Smokin Joes/ Winston/ U10 GAS SIZE cowling is now available!


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Mike Luszcz

Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2008
Well, with a joint effort between Don Ferrette, Steve @ RC BoatCompany, and myself, we made it happen.

Don did the leg work and found a 1/6 scale Smoking Joes cowling that was too big for gas, so purchased it and he sent it down to me, I cut around 3" off and snipped it and reshaped the front end to make it correct for the GAS size (1/6.667) scale class, got it in finished plug form, then I sent it on down to Steve to make a mold so he can get these available for everyone. He has sent Don and I a cowling, in which I will now going to finish up a semi-extreme series frame kit that will work around the cowling. The cowling is available through him now, and I hope to have the GAS 8700 kit available very soon (within the month)! Here is a pic of the cowling Steve sent me. I will post more pics soon as the cowlings will arrive to me today! Mike

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Did David finally finish his gas Joes build? Maybe he already got a hold of Steve!
And they are folks! In all their glory!!! That is a 1/8th scale 93 Circus 8401 cowl in the back!



I guess he's got it done or close to it. He called me earlier this week to check on the progress of his order. Just one more to finish before I split for Utah.
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I talked to Dick Loeb this morning about some gas Speedy Printing decals he will need in the next month or put it on your list! Mike