Getting Back in, looking for outrigger reccomendations


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Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2006
Hey all, been out of boating for a few years due to loss of local lake but something has opened up and I think I'm gonna take the dive in again. I'm looking to get another outrigger, I had a couple before I got out last, but due to no lake, sold them of course. I was a huge fan of Bayou Products Avenger/Spider/Cobra riggers, but it seems they're no longer in business. Now I'm gonna level with ya, I don't really have enough skills to build one from scratch but kit/fiberglass hull I can manage. I'm just looking for some recommendations, it seems I'm not coming up with much on the net. Here are a couple models I've found. Mind you I don't have the intention currently to race this boat seriously, but we all know that changes, I just don't want to sink $1200+ right now. I've looked at these models:

Andy Brown's CMD Eagles (a little on the expensive side)

Aeromarine Stinger Series (I like the fact they're fiberglass but not a fan of the aerodynamics)

Dumas Hawks (Overall look to be good hulls, although I don't care for the lack of cowling)

Way back when I used to have a 7.5cc Cobra and I loved it, I also had from Garfield Hobbies a 3.5 Mongoose I built, but I can't find any links to their products anymore, I believe I bought the kit off Ebay. If anyone knows someone selling Cobra hulls I'm very interested. I'm probably gonna run an OPS setup if that makes any differences. Thanks!!! -Chris
Ya, I saw that, I'm kinda looking for something new though. I kind of get personal satisfaction from building them myself whether it be from a kit or a hull up. Anybody parting with their Cobra riggers???