Yes I've used one in three different boats. A highly modified K&B 7.5 OB on a mod 35in Bandit KILLER. The boat cowl has a
narrow waist toward the back which forces you to use two tanks in a "stair step" config. Before the check valve , the boat never
lived up to its mods,,,just out of the" Blue", I just decieded to change the Geraghty carb to the stock one and add the check
valve,,,Gawd! it took off like a rocket! and would run the tanks to the to the last drop, Next day I put the Garaghty carb back
on and it did'nt run as strong and motor was erratic,,it did'nt like it at all.
I've used one in a Phil Thomas SS45 with the Picco 45 Blackhead Drumrotor; with again the "Spraybar" type stock carb,,Runs
really strong, like these motors usually do.
Also used one my Thunder Tiger OB on a 28 1/2inch XTR,,The "tigers" are well massaged and run well,, but they did'nt like
the check valves either. Apparentlly, the spraybar carbs are the key and especially with a low tank situation. I've talked about
this before on this site . accually it was my first topic. One person replyed and said" you won't get any more pressure" He did'nt
"believe there would be any pressure loss between piston pulses at 27,000 RPM". Thats Fine if all things are equal,,but the
engine is Never at a constant speed or load and there will be some loss. The check valve will hold all it gets and deliver it
only to the engine,,,so there is a greater amount of pressure available. No?