FRP Fiberglass rod for boom tubes??


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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2006
Was just curious if anyone had used FRP fiberglass solid rods for boom tubes in a .21? Noticed they are much cheaper then the carbon tubes, and appear to have "good" structural ratings just like the graphite counterparts. Was curious if anyone had used them or not?

I use FG tubes for all my boats. If you will check, Stu also uses FG tubes on the Crapshooters. You don't need solid, just the hollow ones from Aerospace Composites are great. I like them much better than the solid carbon rods that snap easily on hitting buoys. I hit my sahre of those.... :)
Marty, awesome!! Just what I needed. It really is alot more economical to go with FRP FG instead of carbon..
To give you a little more info....

I have switched from the solid carbon on my .21 boats to:

TU-02 .312"id .392"od X 32" $6.00 for the boom tubes

R-19 .312" od solid carbon for in the sponson. X 24" $11.00

I have had some trouble with the part in the sponson and this will solve it nicely.

If you need sizes for other boats, let me know and I can save you some time searching.
Marty, I was looking at the .315 OD solid rod. Do you think this would be rigid enough? I understand that I dont need solid rod, but might be better since I plan to go with a smaller OD.
Up to you, but is VERY HEAVY and way overkill. I know about this topic and have experience with the products that I noted above. Is easy and cheap to replace sponson tubes with the products that I indicated.... The FG tubes are nice and light and have sufficient strength. Actually the FG tubes are easier on buoys than the solid carbon.
Marty, just found the ones you were talking about. Looks like ACP Composites. Perfect! Ill go that route.
To give you a little more info....

I have switched from the solid carbon on my .21 boats to:

TU-02 .312"id .392"od X 32" $6.00 for the boom tubes

R-19 .312" od solid carbon for in the sponson. X 24" $11.00

I have had some trouble with the part in the sponson and this will solve it nicely.

If you need sizes for other boats, let me know and I can save you some time searching.
Marty, what size do you use for .45 riggers?

The carbon tubes SNAP when you hit something and the FG have a little more give and don't always break. They seem to hold up better in the long run.
I have an old home-built .67 rigger that has FG.rods. The stock FG came from Farm & Tractor, Yes fence post .I ran the hull some this summer and she's still together. I built it in 1997
The carbon tubes SNAP when you hit something and the FG have a little more give and don't always break. They seem to hold up better in the long run
Is it better on the sponson mounting surfaces that the carbon fiber tube snap's, minimizing overall damage to the sponson? Or does it not matter (whether it's more forgiving fibreglass or "brittle" carbon fibre tube)?
Also, is it advantageous to use boom-tube collars on the fuselage exit holes? I've seen various types of flanged collar fittings. Are these typically fabricated of aluminum? How are they mounted or secured in place?
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I use Delrin boom collars with a rubber washer between the collar and the tub. You can double up the tube so that it is doubled 1/8" outside the collars. That way the break is always outside the collars with no damage to the tub.
I use Delrin boom collars with a rubber washer between the collar and the tub. You can double up the tube so that it is doubled 1/8" outside the collars. That way the break is always outside the collars with no damage to the tub
I see.
Do you actually fabricate, or machine, Delrin stock? Or do you purchase pre-fabricated Delrin collars? I'm looking for a source that's why I'm inquiring.

Doubling-up the tube- ie. slipping over a section of next size larger tubing to create a collar? How do you fasten, or keep these in place?

Appreciate your input.
I use Delrin boom collars with a rubber washer between the collar and the tub. You can double up the tube so that it is doubled 1/8" outside the collars. That way the break is always outside the collars with no damage to the tub
I see.
Do you actually fabricate, or machine, Delrin stock? Or do you purchase pre-fabricated Delrin collars? I'm looking for a source that's why I'm inquiring.

Doubling-up the tube- ie. slipping over a section of next size larger tubing to create a collar? How do you fasten, or keep these in place?

Appreciate your input.
Contact Steve Wood at and he can make some for you. I make my own that squeeze the tube. I double up the tube on the INSIDE rather than outside and glue the inside tube to the outside tube with epoxy. Guess it wouldn't matter which way. Just a little cleaner to do it on the inside.