I would really considering switching to an"on board" oiling system.I am using this system on my Hydros and really feel it is better overall.(thanks Stu) The driveline feels much more free,smooth and is much ,much cleaner.I use a mixture of STP oil treatment(75%) and synthetic motor (25%).The on board tank is a piece of carbon tube(3inches long) with rubber caps on the ends,and a brass pressure fitting coming out the bottom.Drill a 3/32 hole in the top of the tube as a filler hole,and that's it.I fill it before every heat.I use one of Mike Z's boom collars,drilled and tapped for a pressure fitting for the connection to the shaft log,a short piece of fuel line to carry the oil and that's it.Mount the "oil tank" above the shaft log and gravity does the rest.My 2 cents.
Ron Jr