For Sale: Hydro & Marine Drifter L Cat in like new condition. Here is what is included. Hacker 77-3P Brushless OPTO 77 Amp/8-32cells water proof speed control Lipo compatible, FDM 13XL Nemesis Blue BL Motor, 1250 KV, Silicone water jacket, Hitec HS-645MG Servo, 5 cell NIMH receiver pack, FDM Turbo Trans, 45/60 Geared, FDM 21EGSRA Strut/Rudder combo, Octura flex hex coupler,.150 flex cable with 3/16" stub shaft. Hull is 36.5" lenght x 11" width and is light weight fiber-glass with high-luster gelcoat finish. hatch was replaced and is painted to match hull, This boat runs great on 24 cells, 47-50 mph with current set up. Boat was originally built by David Hajj. Pictures can be seen here:
$650.00 shipped, Paypal preferred.
$650.00 shipped, Paypal preferred.