fanton crankshaft


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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2003
I just recieved my phantom .15 for the FF.12.

It has the long shaft. The threads begin about 3/8 away from the engine. Between the threads and engine the shaft has two flats. The flats are parallel to each other and equidistant from the engine. Then right at the engine the shaft is round. Is this clear? Hope so... CAn anyone tell me specifially which Flywheel will work here?

I really appreciate the help..

Anthony Marquart
You would need either a knurled drive-washer with the slots (like what's used on OS CV series engines) Check in Tower Hobbies under engine parts for OS .12 CV engine.

If you have a collet-style flywheel you would need a round collet that would fit your flywheel. From the looks of the engine the threaded part is 5mm and the step looks to be bigger so "eye-ball" measurement is you need a 7mm collet... Most engines bring the collet.

Welcome to the hair-pulling process of mix-matched small-block boat hardware. That has to be the #1 problem with small-block boats. All the engines are different and there is no point-n-click way of getting all the hardware for your boat in one-place.

Anothony you're going pull-start or belt-start?
Yeah, this is tough. There is not a place near here that carries this stuff so I can just go test fit it either. This is a nice looking little motor. I can see that I can make some improvements with the P&L already.

I think I'm going to keep the pull start. I'm thinking about this in a very convienent sense. I like the idea of stopping at the lake during lunch with a glow igniter and a

small bottle of fuel.

If I can just find the parts to fit!!!! I've never paid much attention to how my flywheels have fit in the past. I'm getting a little frustrated,... oh well, water is still hard here.
This is what you need. The OS .12 CV crank is an exact duplicate of the fantom crank.

Tower Part No. LXCT52

This style of thurst washer does not require a collet.

You can then use the flywheel that Tom suggested.

I actually have all these same parts in my "tool box" I could do a dry fit test to save you some hassle and expense.
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wait.... maybe i'm wrong..... how big is the flat part? 6mm 7mm or 8mm????
I'm the proud owner of 2 of them, the 1010 and the 1014. If you bought it new in the can (Fantom owners know what I mean), you should have all of the parts needed to add a flywheel. The spacer is in there to add between the block and flywheel.
Anthony, as promised here are the options for engines with small-block OS style (double-flat) std. length 5mm metric cranks...

This picture is with the OS thrust washer (The one with the double flats) an OS "gold plated" .12 size marine fly-wheel and the trusty 5mm to .130 Octura flex-hex
If you want to convert to a collet style fly-wheel or a collet syle thrust washer then this is what you need.

The collet and the collet-style thrust washers are from Ofna. They are available from tower as factory replacement parts for the Duratrax Velocity .15 engine, quite inexpensive compared to the flywheel. The collet ID is 7mm.

The assembled system looks identical to the previous photo. The flywheel is spaced out about 2mm forward.
Tom, for the .125" flex cable, get part # OCTOCFH5MM13 or 15 as the last 2 digits for .150" cable. Make sure that you get the 5mm threaded ones as they make one to fit a 5mm electric motor shaft. Call Gary, he has the parts in stock. The newer ones are a little longer than the older ones.
Tom, If you have a std. length (airplane) crank Sirio with full 5mm threads and a 7mm shoulder then yes it will fit. I think the small-block Picco's have a "odd-ball" 6mm shoulder -but the Sirio's appear to be closer to Novarossi SPECS than the Picco's.

Check this link out. It contains all the PDF manuals for all engines supplied with duratrax vehicles -Which tower has excellent replacement parts support. Some engine are Kyosho and OS based, most look identical to similar Ofna engines.

DTXG0565 (Collet for the Velocity .15 same as the Torque .21 (Force .21)

Note: The .21 engine thrust washer has a bigger diameter (if you ever needed one for a project) I also have the .21 engine parts. Let me know if anyone needs some assembled pics for .21 sized cranks.


The .21 sized drive-washer will not fit on the resessed portion of the OS .12 nickel plated flyweel. The slightly smaller .15(same as .12) sized drive washer will fit perfectly (just like my pic)
Hey Eric you got your OS flywheel from tower right? what is that shaft for that comes with it?
Hey Eric you got your OS flywheel from tower right? what is that shaft for that comes with it?
I'm not Eric, but stick the shaft in one of the holes in the side of the flywheel and you can hold it while tightening the nut.