Falcon 9 launch and landing


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Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2008
I went fishing today at Port Canaveral Jetty Park. Did not realize thy had a rocket launch today the place was packed.

Got to see the Falcon 9 take off. Was not as impressive as the shuttle launches I have seen.

BUT then it came back down 7 miles from the park to land. ..........

WOW......... that was the coolest thing I have ever seen. This thing came screaming down threw the cloud cover with the rockets blasting.

After it landed the 2 sonic BOOMS and then the ungodly sound of the rockets rumbling was over the top.

Shook you right to the core..............................

I guess thy are looking to a Mars landing and take off in the future. I hope to see this happen in my life time.

I was at the space center two weeks ago and they were getting ready for that test.

They are thinking Mars in 16 years. The cape is pretty nice with the Atlantis Shuttle

inside to look at. Lots of cool things to check out at the space center. It would be

really neat to see a launch live in person.


Mark Sholund

I have seen many in the 20 years since I moved here.

But this landing after the launch was just ........well words escape me.......................BOOM BOOM GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRCCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..........................

IT was BAD ASS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Seeing it come down out of the clouds like a falling star then just slow down was just..................unreal.........................

Took more to slow it down than to get it up.

The power that must be needed to stop some thing going faster than the speed of sound strait towards the earth must be epic.
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From what I have read the rocket is headed to the space station with supplies. What came back down was the booster rocket.
So far SpaceX has returned several first stage boosters ( they have even nailed the landing on a barge out in the Atlantic) prior to getting clearance to be able to land it at the Cape. They have had a failure or 2 , but for the most part , its starting to become routine . Musk has managed to do what NASA and all the other "experts" said could never be done.

Tho they have not done it yet, the main goal is to re-use the boosters in future flights instead of just letting them fall into the Atlantic, saving large $$$$ The variable is the initial payload weight , too much load and too much fuel is spent to attempt the return flight.

Mars is a pipedream- but just keep telling Musk " he cant " and sit back and watch..............

I have followed every flight they have made to date, so Dave - Im jealous, to actually see "and hear " the booster return must have been a treat

You are correct RRRay , (3 caps earned -
) Resupply of the ISS .

Could be a very good year for Musk's Team -

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What ever came back down it was BAD ASS to say the least and to be at the first public viewing of it was a unexpected treat for sure.
They have done it a few times now- still cool regardless

They next step is to re-use a recovered booster- thats coming next launch. With a different booster than you saw return. I takes a few months of inspection/testing-refitting of the booster before it can return to flight, not just a gas and go deal
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Yes thy have landed them before but you could not see it in person out in the middle of the ocean now could you.

This was the first time the public could see it land in person.

Believe me the video dose not hold a candle to the real thing.

I will say it again this MFer was bad to the bone to see in person.

Kind of like watching a video of the grotto at the play boy mansion and being there in person you can feel it to the bone..........
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Somehow I sadly get your reference

You gonna be in Brandon next Month ?
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Will see how the big boat ordeal is going. RC boats are ready just need to get some nitro and do some test runs.

Will see if I can put a hole in the VAC 1.05 again.......

The Vector is draining me dry of $$$$$$$ right now.

$100+ every time I turn my head..........
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NO MORE BOATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well until the real deal is done................