Im looking for a exhaust header gasket for my 1989 Picco P-45 11/ 16'' i.d.- 7/8'' o.d. i called Aeromarine they dont even stock anything like that neither do local hobby shops any sugestions would be good.
Just use exhaust coupler material over the nipple (Bru-line translucent Blue) works great.You may have to use a tick of oil to get the header over it,it will be a snug fit.
I have in the past done the same thing Ron is talking about but had to put it on a dowl and belt sand down the out diameter to make it work, but as Ron said it works very well.
right on, just use a short piece of the same silicone coupler used on the 45 pipe. If the OD is to thick to slip on the header, sand the tube down a little. you can get any size you want real cheap here, and no outside diameter reduction is needed-
McMaster-Carr type "98" in the search bar to go to the catalog page 98, scroll down to silicone tubing. I've had no heat problems using it as header gasket, but it is a little soft for pipe coupling.