engine size


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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2005
Hi folks. Another newb here.(so be patient please) I'm building a 1/8 scale 94 Miss Bud from Newton's plans...seems to be a popular choice around here! Here is the deal...I live in northern Canada and a lonnnnggg ways from any race...not planning to race it anywhere at any time. It is strickly for fun. But I do want it to vaporize the water behind it. I believe that the stock engine is a .67 c.i. right? Can I put a .90 c.i. in it? Will it fit...size wise? Is it too heavy? Is it way overkill and hurt the boat's performance? Also where do you get your hardware...rudder flex shaft and other stuff? There are many many more questions like weight savings and position of this and that, and building materials. But all that will come later.


Hi folks. Another newb here.(so be patient please) I'm building a 1/8 scale 94 Miss Bud from Newton's plans...seems to be a popular choice around here! Here is the deal...I live in northern Canada and a lonnnnggg ways from any race...not planning to race it anywhere at any time. It is strickly for fun. But I do want it to vaporize the water behind it. I believe that the stock engine is a .67 c.i. right? Can I put a .90 c.i. in it? Will it fit...size wise? Is it too heavy? Is it way overkill and hurt the boat's performance? Also where do you get your hardware...rudder flex shaft and other stuff? There are many many more questions like weight savings and position of this and that, and building materials. But all that will come later.


You're certainly not the first to do it. As big as scale hulls are I think if it wasn't for the restrictions we'd all be runnin' 80's & 90's in them. It should fit fine with correct motor mount. As for scale hardware my preference is Speedmaster- http://www.rossisales.com/ Motor mount, strut, rudder all can come from Speedmaster & definitely run 1/4" flexshaft. ;)
What about gas engines? Worth considering? Power to weight ratios...any good?

Not really (nothing against gas BTW). To begin with you'd probably have to hack up a nice hull to clear the carb & pipe even with a wrap to center header. :(
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Norm, you won't find too many gas fans here. If you're interested in that route, check out jrcbd.com ;) . As Don pointed out, you'll have to do some carving to get it to fit. Won't look totally scale like the nitro, but way simpler to run & maintain, and no shortage of power. Might take some time to get setup right though, because of the added weight. For a newb, I probably wouldn't recommend it unless you have some experienced help at the pond to get it sorted out...

Hi Norm,

As many have pointed out here, you could put a gas motor in any scale hydro, a 90 would also fit with a few modifications. The type of hull you would chose would have a lot to do with how the boat will look after you make the final decision as to which mode of power ( gas or nitro) you would chose, older round bow, early pickle fork, or modern turbine style boat. Most people today chose the modern-day turbine style boats, so for my 2 cents worth I'd recommend using a MAC 84 or CMB 80 instead of a 90 as they are a direct bolt in in place of a 67 and have all the power you could ever want using 50 or 60% nitro. But as has been mentioned in a previous post, having someone that has a scale boat on your area would be a plus to help you get the boat set up correctly. Hardware, ie strut, rudder and flex shaft all can be had from various sources, my favorite is Speedmaster available from= http://www.rossisales.com/. Turn fin I would highly recommend Dick Tyndall he is on the board here as EL ZORO, pm or e-mail him for pricing and availability.

Just a note that no one so far has mentioned here and that is the faster this boat goes the more that the rear wing plays into the handling of the boat and how it rides on the water.

Good luck with whatever you choose and we will help in any way we can on the nitro side, and I'm sure that some one on Jim's Boatdock can help if you decide to go the gas route.
Thanks guys for the help. If I go with nitro...what size fuel tank and what location in the boat? I've never had a nitro engine before so please stay with me!! I've seen guys hidding the tank inside the right sponson. How difficult is refueling this thing gonna be?? Do I need a special shape tank? Where do you buy your tank?

Thanks guys for the help. If I go with nitro...what size fuel tank and what location in the boat? I've never had a nitro engine before so please stay with me!! I've seen guys hidding the tank inside the right sponson. How difficult is refueling this thing gonna be?? Do I need a special shape tank? Where do you buy your tank?

If you go with an 80 sized powerplant plan on at least 20oz. minimum with 24oz. being better choice. The tank placement under deck is a common thing, put it centered on boat's CG. As for difficulty in accessing it that will depend on what hull you choose. I get my tanks custom made by Walt barney who is a member here. :)
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