Engine Quiz


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Chris Thomas

Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2002
Had our monthly meeting last night. Had a fella ask about the after run oil - running out of the motor while in storage. Should the front bearing (under flywheel) completely seal off the motor? Or does it depend on the lube between the crankshaft and the crankcase? heard several different versions of possible solutions......
It definitely depends on the lube barrier for a seal. The bearings may be shielded but they aren't sealed.
Your bearings do not have a positive seal, if they did you would not get any oil/fuel flow through the bearings thus they would fail prematurely.

If they are leaking excessively you might think about changing them as you have taken them to the limit and are due for a fresh set.

hi all the bearing behind the flywheel seals the engine a little. the main seal behind the flywheel is between the crank and crankhousing. on most engines there is only .0005 to .001 clearance there and the oil in our fuel makes the seal. that is why on a lot of engines we put a sealed bearing with only one seal to the outside behind the flywheel when this clearance gets to be to much. see ya jimmy