End of the line for Evansville Thunder on the Ohio??


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Maybe not Don.

Seattle's Seafair started out in a similar manner, with a small volunteer staff. It has become the largest event in Western Washington with a very large staff, corporate sponsors and even the participation of the Navy, Army, Marines, Air Force and Coast Guard. Each year, the Seafair runs several parades, a milk box boat race and a variety of local events. No reason Evansville can't do the same thing
Perhaps, but as Ed Cooper said in the TV interview, you wouldn't sell the docks and go out & buy more. Makes no sense plus they also mentioned the person who asked not to be named that it appears boat race was not part of the plans for next year. Sure hope that is not the case but it really doesn't look all that promising right now ...........
Perhaps, but as Ed Cooper said in the TV interview, you wouldn't sell the docks and go out & buy more. Makes no sense plus they also mentioned the person who asked not to be named that it appears boat race was not part of the plans for next year. Sure hope that is not the case but it really doesn't look all that promising right now ...........
The Volunteer group is selling the docks seems they owe a bunch of money. I saw this coming,in the last few years the group has done a worse job each year. Top that with giving every volunteer a bag of free passes who is going to pay for stuff when its being given away? I hope the city pays someone to do the job as it should be done,sure would be a shame to loose such a good race......
The Fate of Hydro Racing is up in the air. Far as I know an been keeping up on it. Evansville owns ABRA, race team $90,000 dollars. Which the Docks are for sale an the time clock. There going to still have the Freedom Festival but the Hydro Race not Sure.

More info on HydroInsider. http://www.kndu.com/Global/story.asp?S=887...nav=menu484_5_4

I hope there's still going to be Hydro Racing. I'm always looking forward to it and it's Always fun to watch the Boats Race. This race was begun by the late, great Bill Muncey, They should preserve the tradition that has brought Thunder to the Ohio River to Evansville each year. It would be Asham to Lose this sport in Evansville. When it's been 30 years Old.
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Maybe not Don. Seattle's Seafair started out in a similar manner, with a small volunteer staff. It has become the largest event in Western Washington with a very large staff, corporate sponsors and even the participation of the Navy, Army, Marines, Air Force and Coast Guard. Each year, the Seafair runs several parades, a milk box boat race and a variety of local events. No reason Evansville can't do the same thing
Yeah, That sounds like a good Idea Hydro J, but im sure whom ever is in control of it then or now. Good Idea's are overlooked. They say it's been going down about each year. Well when you knock up the Price to get in(bottoms) it turns people away an the food stands...those are a Joke. They should bring in local food boths like at the Fall Festable,an let it go toward good, instead of Money hungery people. So if it does pass an there's no more Thunder. The whole Freedom Fest will just get worse. That's my opinon. Hope I'm Wrong.
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While I'm like others and don't want to see a good thing end, there is a difference between being optimistic & realistic. With the boat docks getting sold to try to pay off 90 grand of debt from the last race I'd have to say optimism is not the logical answer here............ I do hope I'm wrong. :(
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While I'm like others and don't want to see a good thing end, there is a difference between being optimistic & realistic. With the boat docks getting sold to try to pay off 90 grand of debt from the last race I'd have to say optimism is not the logical answer here............ I do hope I'm wrong. :(
There is a group picking up the festival . Wether there are hydroplane races remains to be seen. those fancy docks are not something that they have to have. AND the group picking it up assumes NO previous debt. I see it going again next year,its a shame as the boats are getting equal for a change
There is a group picking up the festival . Wether there are hydroplane races remains to be seen. those fancy docks are not something that they have to have. AND the group picking it up assumes NO previous debt. I see it going again next year,its a shame as the boats are getting equal for a change
I just wanted to keep an update on what is going on with the topic on if there going to have Thunder again, here is what a Got. There's some Good News but not for Sure???

In Tuesday Courior an Press: They still owe us $50,000," Cole said. "The rest is contingent on selling the docks and other assets from the Freedom Festival. They took money they had in the bank and divided it equally amongst creditors."

The Thunder on the Ohio purse has been $160,000 in each of the past four years. The purse is paid to the ABRA, which disburses 80 percent to the race teams and keeps 20 percent for expenses.

The ABRA has enlisted the services of attorney Tony Goebel of Madison,but no lawsuits have been filed, Cole said.

"We have been very professional and our approach is on the sport's behalf," Cole said. "If we get a deaf ear we have to take a look at legal action. Our No. 1 interest is to have the race in Evansville. It's the best venue we have on the circuit because of the race course and the facilities.

"We're willing to go in there today and save the race, but no one is talking to us or has contacted us. This implies there is some kind of political maneuvering going on. That's not fair to the race fans or the race teams. It's very upsetting that phone calls are not being returned."

The final of the six-race ABRA circuit is Sunday at San Diego. Thunder on the Ohio was the season opener.

Thunder race director and ABRA board member Tom Sawyer noted that the city of Evansville spent $13 million building a waterfront with careful engineering to make it suitable for boat racing that was completed in 2001.

"Now, $75,000 (the overall total the Freedom Festival board owes its creditors) is what separates us from stepping up and saving a 30-year event," Sawyer said. "This is one or two or three signature events of Evansville. Everybody talks about the West Side Nut Club Fall Festival. That doesn't bring in people from out of town. There are two (events) that people come in from out of town and stay in our hotel rooms — Thunder on the Ohio and the Frog Follies."

U-6 Oh Boy! Oberto/Miss Madison driver Steve David and Miss Madison president Bob Hughes are confident boats will return to Evansville next year.

"No doubt, they will make it happen, absolutely," David said. "It's too important of an institution for local politics (to take over). They need to pull it out of the political realm and pull it back to the sports/entertainment realm."

Hughes said it's possible Thunder could move to mid-to-late August next year instead of late June. "One way or another, there will be races in Evansville," he said.
I just wanted to keep an update on what is going on with the topic on if there going to have Thunder again, here is what a Got. There's some Good News but not for Sure???
In Tuesday Courior an Press: They still owe us $50,000," Cole said. "The rest is contingent on selling the docks and other assets from the Freedom Festival. They took money they had in the bank and divided it equally amongst creditors."

The Thunder on the Ohio purse has been $160,000 in each of the past four years. The purse is paid to the ABRA, which disburses 80 percent to the race teams and keeps 20 percent for expenses.

The ABRA has enlisted the services of attorney Tony Goebel of Madison,but no lawsuits have been filed, Cole said.

"We have been very professional and our approach is on the sport's behalf," Cole said. "If we get a deaf ear we have to take a look at legal action. Our No. 1 interest is to have the race in Evansville. It's the best venue we have on the circuit because of the race course and the facilities.

"We're willing to go in there today and save the race, but no one is talking to us or has contacted us. This implies there is some kind of political maneuvering going on. That's not fair to the race fans or the race teams. It's very upsetting that phone calls are not being returned."

The final of the six-race ABRA circuit is Sunday at San Diego. Thunder on the Ohio was the season opener.

Thunder race director and ABRA board member Tom Sawyer noted that the city of Evansville spent $13 million building a waterfront with careful engineering to make it suitable for boat racing that was completed in 2001.

"Now, $75,000 (the overall total the Freedom Festival board owes its creditors) is what separates us from stepping up and saving a 30-year event," Sawyer said. "This is one or two or three signature events of Evansville. Everybody talks about the West Side Nut Club Fall Festival. That doesn't bring in people from out of town. There are two (events) that people come in from out of town and stay in our hotel rooms — Thunder on the Ohio and the Frog Follies."

U-6 Oh Boy! Oberto/Miss Madison driver Steve David and Miss Madison president Bob Hughes are confident boats will return to Evansville next year.

"No doubt, they will make it happen, absolutely," David said. "It's too important of an institution for local politics (to take over). They need to pull it out of the political realm and pull it back to the sports/entertainment realm."

Hughes said it's possible Thunder could move to mid-to-late August next year instead of late June. "One way or another, there will be races in Evansville," he said.
Dont make me get involved in a big race!
I just wanted to keep an update on what is going on with the topic on if there going to have Thunder again, here is what a Got. There's some Good News but not for Sure???
In Tuesday Courior an Press: They still owe us $50,000," Cole said. "The rest is contingent on selling the docks and other assets from the Freedom Festival. They took money they had in the bank and divided it equally amongst creditors."

The Thunder on the Ohio purse has been $160,000 in each of the past four years. The purse is paid to the ABRA, which disburses 80 percent to the race teams and keeps 20 percent for expenses.

The ABRA has enlisted the services of attorney Tony Goebel of Madison,but no lawsuits have been filed, Cole said.

"We have been very professional and our approach is on the sport's behalf," Cole said. "If we get a deaf ear we have to take a look at legal action. Our No. 1 interest is to have the race in Evansville. It's the best venue we have on the circuit because of the race course and the facilities.

"We're willing to go in there today and save the race, but no one is talking to us or has contacted us. This implies there is some kind of political maneuvering going on. That's not fair to the race fans or the race teams. It's very upsetting that phone calls are not being returned."

The final of the six-race ABRA circuit is Sunday at San Diego. Thunder on the Ohio was the season opener.

Thunder race director and ABRA board member Tom Sawyer noted that the city of Evansville spent $13 million building a waterfront with careful engineering to make it suitable for boat racing that was completed in 2001.

"Now, $75,000 (the overall total the Freedom Festival board owes its creditors) is what separates us from stepping up and saving a 30-year event," Sawyer said. "This is one or two or three signature events of Evansville. Everybody talks about the West Side Nut Club Fall Festival. That doesn't bring in people from out of town. There are two (events) that people come in from out of town and stay in our hotel rooms — Thunder on the Ohio and the Frog Follies."

U-6 Oh Boy! Oberto/Miss Madison driver Steve David and Miss Madison president Bob Hughes are confident boats will return to Evansville next year.

"No doubt, they will make it happen, absolutely," David said. "It's too important of an institution for local politics (to take over). They need to pull it out of the political realm and pull it back to the sports/entertainment realm."

Hughes said it's possible Thunder could move to mid-to-late August next year instead of late June. "One way or another, there will be races in Evansville," he said.
I have a guestion to ask. I have only been to the 2006 race and don't know a lot of the history of the event. But what in the average paying head count of the fans and what was the average ticket price?


This year buttons ( the ticket is a button you wear) were $15. Gets u into many events, race, bierstube, concerts, static airplane display, etc. Last year it was $10. People complained of course.

Total button sales are around 25,000 conservatively. Not all of those people go to the race. There have been years of sales over 40,000 buttons. But not since the last time the Blue Angels were part of the show.


I just wanted to keep an update on what is going on with the topic on if there going to have Thunder again, here is what a Got. There's some Good News but not for Sure???
In Tuesday Courior an Press: They still owe us $50,000," Cole said. "The rest is contingent on selling the docks and other assets from the Freedom Festival. They took money they had in the bank and divided it equally amongst creditors."

The Thunder on the Ohio purse has been $160,000 in each of the past four years. The purse is paid to the ABRA, which disburses 80 percent to the race teams and keeps 20 percent for expenses.

The ABRA has enlisted the services of attorney Tony Goebel of Madison,but no lawsuits have been filed, Cole said.

"We have been very professional and our approach is on the sport's behalf," Cole said. "If we get a deaf ear we have to take a look at legal action. Our No. 1 interest is to have the race in Evansville. It's the best venue we have on the circuit because of the race course and the facilities.

"We're willing to go in there today and save the race, but no one is talking to us or has contacted us. This implies there is some kind of political maneuvering going on. That's not fair to the race fans or the race teams. It's very upsetting that phone calls are not being returned."

The final of the six-race ABRA circuit is Sunday at San Diego. Thunder on the Ohio was the season opener.

Thunder race director and ABRA board member Tom Sawyer noted that the city of Evansville spent $13 million building a waterfront with careful engineering to make it suitable for boat racing that was completed in 2001.

"Now, $75,000 (the overall total the Freedom Festival board owes its creditors) is what separates us from stepping up and saving a 30-year event," Sawyer said. "This is one or two or three signature events of Evansville. Everybody talks about the West Side Nut Club Fall Festival. That doesn't bring in people from out of town. There are two (events) that people come in from out of town and stay in our hotel rooms — Thunder on the Ohio and the Frog Follies."

U-6 Oh Boy! Oberto/Miss Madison driver Steve David and Miss Madison president Bob Hughes are confident boats will return to Evansville next year.

"No doubt, they will make it happen, absolutely," David said. "It's too important of an institution for local politics (to take over). They need to pull it out of the political realm and pull it back to the sports/entertainment realm."

Hughes said it's possible Thunder could move to mid-to-late August next year instead of late June. "One way or another, there will be races in Evansville," he said.
I have a guestion to ask. I have only been to the 2006 race and don't know a lot of the history of the event. But what in the average paying head count of the fans and what was the average ticket price?


This year buttons ( the ticket is a button you wear) were $15. Gets u into many events, race, bierstube, concerts, static airplane display, etc. Last year it was $10. People complained of course.

Total button sales are around 25,000 conservatively. Not all of those people go to the race. There have been years of sales over 40,000 buttons. But not since the last time the Blue Angels were part of the show.


Thanks Brian, I would love to have them back in Guntersville AL again after all of these years.
Sounds like it's time to bring in the Blue Angels or the Thunderbirds, if admissions have dropped that bad. In Seattle, if I remember correctly, there was a year that the "Blues" weren't included. That year there was a marked decrease in the paid attendance, so it might be something worth looking into
Evansville Courier-Press Editorial suggest dropping hydro racing from Freedom Festival

An Evansville Courier-Press editorial takes a tough stance on the future of hydroplane racing in Evansville. In short, the paper suggests that local interest in Unlimited Hydroplane racing has waned and can't financially support itself.

We do have a sense of what people in the Evansville area like and don't like, and we remain unconvinced that Thunder on the Ohio holds the significant public interest it once did.

But, the paper recognizes the interest by die-hard fans and suggests that the hydro races and Freedom Festival separate.

Clearly, there is a devoted core of fans that extends as far away as Michigan and Washington state who want Thunder on the Ohio continued in Evansville

\Instead, the paper suggests, the racing folks put on their own race.

If GAGE decides to drop Thunder on the Ohio as a Freedom Festival event, couldn't the hydroplane racing people, organizations and supporting businesses still stage the race here? It would not have to be in June. They could do it in August, if they preferred. If the race is as popular as its supporters insist, perhaps they could keep it going without the Freedom Festival.

If they believe that the support is there, then invite some food booths, invite some bands, sell some souvenirs and begin a grand new tradition.


Feels Like the Whole thing is on the Fence...I think having it seperate from the Freedom Festival maybe be a good idea. Long ago it was only Thunder on the Ohio. Just Budwesier Sponsered it. Now with Bud gone, it was i guess made into the freedom festival(Thunder) With the Boat, Airshow, an Small other things. The Airshows an other stuff....well it cost money. To me it's like they keep adding more an more things to the festival an putting money into All of that, instead of making sure they have the Money to pay the ABRA.

Back when i was a child, it was just the Boats. Buttons were $5-$10 Then they brought the Blue Angels an just the Boat. Which I thought was cool. something to look at between Racing. Then (Freedom Fest) Blue Angels, F-16, Stunt Planes, Sealth. That an Small things that's on the street. Buttoms went up $15-$20.

I think it would be Cool to Have Thunder on the Ohio an Bring the Older Thunder Boats like you see at the other Races.

I've Been going to the Races since i was Young, an still for the Races.

Not Sure how it's going to End Up. But if they Take Thunder Away, I'm not going to waste my Money to go see Planes an Fireworks. See those for Free.
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Well with hearing about U-37 wanting to sell , U-10 is up in the air cause Kim Gregory past away, and rumor is the Elam Plus may not run again, Sad to here that APBA is not doing so well may be a small line up of hydroplanes next year. I was thinking about back in the 70s and 80s Im to young to know i was around for the 90s and even so Bud was still number one Picco , Smokin Joes, Winston Eagle, Frosted Flakes, Tide,T-Plus those days they ran hard with no restrictions. the sponsorship was there from Beer and smokes to cereal and detergent. the fans would watch and i remember the riverfront being packed to see the races, the 70s and 80s may have been the best time for the sport with Bill muncey and Dean chenowith going side to side with the merlins and allisons running.

If the races are discontinued here maybe will be get more people watching the rc boat races and the scales, and clubs may get bigger if the big ones go maybe some fans will be interested in the rc sport.
Thats kinda messed up bout the rumor of Elam not running again, especially since they were the ones that went over seas to try to promote the racing over there. If they done away with the races, I wouldnt go back for just the Festival. I've only missed one race since 79. It would be a big mistake for Evansville to do away with them. The racing is just starting to get good again. If you would have told me 5 yrs ago, that the racing was gonna be this close and the Madison/Oberto would be the National Champ, I'd probably called you crazy. I think GAGE needs to do some kind of survey in and around Evansville to see what peoples thoughts are on making it better.I think doing away with the grandstands on riverside was a mistake. Alot of people dont wanna haul a temporary home down there like some of us do. Those were good seats right over the pit area, Now you have to fight the business tents to get a seat above the pits and why not have Casino Aztar help??? Hell they got to be making a killin' of the Fredom Festival.