I also have a Dynatron 24v that was used in the past. Got tired of bringing two batteries to use for power. As the question at hand is for outboards, I don't see Boris's being a top contender. Nothing against Boris's starter, IMO it was built for inboards w/starter belts. Granted, there are some conversions out there that use inboard motors (w/belts) on the outboards, but they are few compared to the main outboards. I'm certain one could use Boris's starter, but it's tough to use a pinkie to engage the starter button. If the starter button could be moved to the other end, then my choice would be for Boris's.
Until then, here's my starter setup.
Hello Mark,
i have see in the photo of you dynatron starter that you have attached in the reply of my topic about the electric starter this decal or sticher of IMPBA.
Please, let me know where i can buy.
Thanks and Best Regards
Giuseppe Gallegra - Italy.