Electric Rigger turn fin Questions


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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2003
Is there a general rule for a hydro/Rigger turn fin as far as how deep it should be, the size and shape of the fin. Also is it better to have the fin come straight down with a angle at the bottom or a roll at the bottom. On all my gas boats the fins are rolled at the bottom and are generally wide fins. They seem to realy hold the right sponson in the water through the turns and don't slow the boat down at all. I had a roll on my rigger fin but running 12 cells it was puling the sponson down in the turns and really slowing it down. After I went to 16 cells the fin wasn't holding the sponson in the water enough so now I am going to go back to the roll at the bottom or possibly try a different fin and try to have a setup that will run good no matter if I am running 12 cells or 16. What are your thoughts?