Ed Fisher sport 40


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Kevin Knapp

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2009
I was given this hull and I can't find any information on it. I was told its an Ed Fisher . Domes anyone know about this boat? Ride characteristics, strut depth, good or bad.


Its a good hull....very similar to an AC sport 40 (version 1) or an AC sport 40 is very similar............
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Can you post a shot with the cowl removed? I would like to see the engine bay and the water pick up.

dont mind how dirty it is. I just got it and have had a chance to start getting it cleaned up. I will be running a K&B 7.5, so with that what would be a good prop size?

ed fisher.jpg

ed fisher2.jpg

ed fisher3.jpg
I'd start at a 447 or 1447 and work up from there. When you consider that I've been told by several to start with a 440 or 1440 for a sport 20 and most scales run in the 55-60mm range, it just makes sense to start in that ballpark. Years ago, I tried an X450/3 with mine in a Dumas Blue Blaster when it was brand new. Not sure if it was too much prop as I ended up blowing the rod through the bottom of the case due to running too lean and overrevving it after I put it on the beach due to a radio failure :wacko:
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Thanks Kevin for posting the pictures, It is very useful as it gives me an idea for a new water pickup option.

I agree with Rob and HJ on prop choices. Tried them all and settled on a X448.
I like the way the water pickup tubes are epoxied along the corner. The water dump is right in the way of my new motor mount so I think I will run the water dump down the other side and have it dump out the back.
Ran Those for years. Started with the earlier version. Then switched to the newer one like you have. Tom Dudley and Brian Burgess owned the molds for a while. Last I heard Dorian at Bandit boats had them.That boat with a K&B ran the best with a Prather 240. Second best was a x452 with a little cup. The boats can be tough to launch due to the round sponsons and flat tunnel but ran good in there day. Yours looks like it has vintage Erickson hardware. Jim Wilson redesigned the sponsons from the original. When he gets back on his feet he would be a wealth of information

Ran Those for years. Started with the earlier version. Then switched to the newer one like you have. Tom Dudley and Brian Burgess owned the molds for a while. Last I heard Dorian at Bandit boats had them.That boat with a K&B ran the best with a Prather 240. Second best was a x452 with a little cup. The boats can be tough to launch due to the round sponsons and flat tunnel but ran good in there day. Yours looks like it has vintage Erickson hardware. Jim Wilson redesigned the sponsons from the original. When he gets back on his feet he would be a wealth of information


Mark, that looks like Rick Dahl's old boat????
Thanks for the info guys. The guy I got it from said it takes a hell of a launch to get it going. I will be running a K&B 7.5 in it. Im going to have to pick up a few diffrent props to see what works best. I have no idea who the original owner is. Craig Dickson gave it to me and he said he got it from Frank bets or best( cant remember his last name). We race over in kitsap county with Kitsap RC Club.