Eany Meany Miny Mo...


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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2004
As im sure you know ive been boat shopping for the past... like month! And Right now I have 2 top contendors! First one is one that I will be making with different bits from other places, It will have the following.

30 inch glass deep vee mono hull

Picco .26 P3 38,000rpm with 2.75hp

Octura or Speedmaster hardware

Blazer or Lynx radio

about 300$

Compared to a used 48 inch .67 K@B outboard

Glass hull

Hitec 1/4 scale servo

HPI radio system

40mph radared

Great condition, engine claimed ran 10 times.

About 300$

I have no clue which one would be better, i really would like to go as fast as I can and I think the picco will get me there faster than the O/B 48incher. Both cost the same.

O yeah and if you see a boat for 300-400$ rtr please, let me know!


Phil :unsure: :( :huh:
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