Dumas Circus Circus


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just for fun

I have the oppurtunity to get a Dumas Circus Circus. This will be my first 1/8th scale hydro. Two questions 1. Is this hull any good? 2. What other Teams ran this Hull?

Is it any good? That's a loaded question. If you look at it from a material standpoint, I'd say no. As for the design, that's a bit tougher.

The internal framing is die cut out of mahogany door skin and is basically garbage. That being said, it is good for use as templates and that is how I am using the framing in my Circus. The directions leave a lot to be desired as well so don't be surprised if they seem a bit confusing.

Getting to the design, the boat is going to be tail heavy due to the radio box being aft of the engine. This makes it harder for the prop to lift the back end out of the water, costing you in both speed and handling.

As for what teams the boat ran with, that's simple, NONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This boat is a composite of the 8401 turbine Atlas and the 8700 Miller High Life. Dumas took features of both boats and morphed them into one hull that, if a registraur or CD wanted to be fussy, would be illegal for scale competition. It would, however, be legal to race in the sport 60 class since it does meet all the guidelines listed in the rule books
Thanks Hydro Junkie, I think I will still progress and get it. Will look at front radio box etc.Phil
Glad to see I didn't scare you away. Many would have said "To heck with that then" rather than put in the work to build the boat. One thing I would recommend is to measure all of the framing as it's probably 3/32 mahogany ply rather than the advertised 1/8. If you use the supplied framing for templates, you will either need to have 3/32 ply or modify the slots(I would do that anyway) to fit the ply you use for the framing. It's not all that hard, just time consuming to square up the supplied framing, mark the parts for proper alignment and start to work on new parts if you go that route. One other thing I would recommend is to avoid laminating parts together as much as possible as misalignments do occur and it's a pain to rework parts if that happens. If the directions say to laminate two pieces together, use wood of the appropriate thickness to make the parts from to begin with. It's a little more money but you'll have a better boat when done
Thanks Hydro Junkie,

I'd heard the kit was a rather expensive box of patterns but thats ok. I have access to some aircraft grade ply so will use that.

Thanks Hydro Junkie,

I'd heard the kit was a rather expensive box of patterns but thats ok. I have access to some aircraft grade ply so will use that.

That kit got me in trouble this afternoon big time. Wife didn't remember I bought one and almost flipped when she saw it on the pool table in the garage. Hope I don't have to build her one of those too, one Pak 20 is enough :rolleyes:

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