Im at work right now so cant make a big reply.
But from the bottom of my heart I thank you guys for supporting me right now.
For the record in 15 years I have not made a single penny from running this website. Yes I was offered 30k for intlwaters. You can plainly see I did not take it. My family is living from week to week. We have huge debit. 30k to my family would have been like a gift from god. I turned it down.
WOW, Tom I had no idea you were offered any kind of money. I simply have felt like a freeloader from time to time over the last year. Do to the amount of time I spend on the site (just my feelings). So I wanted to make sure I supported the site this year and didn't miss the opportunity to do so. I too, live paycheck to paycheck. By you not selling the site really shows what kind of person you are. There are very few people in this world today that are of your great caliper and do things only for the love of them. There ate many hats off to you for doing all you do for us RC boat nuts.
Have a Very Merry Christmas all.