Delta Force 33" setup


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Kris Flynn

Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2002
Hi all,

After some info on the setup for this mono.

What CoG is recommended?

Motor Distance from transom?

My boat is running, but i am not sure if it is setup right just yet. I have trouble with cavitation on chopper props for some reason...


Couple of pictures attache. i have a 40X52/3 on the boat in the photo which works, but is a good 5-10kph slower than the chopper which hooks up every now and then...

thanks Tim, I will PM Boom.
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Looks pretty good to me Kris, nothing standing out as being wrong. I've been running the Deltaforce boats for over ten year now and i've run pretty much every type of prop on them, what i have found is that i keep going back to the same props everytime. X442 for the 21 and X452 on the 45, these seem to give good consitant runs, they are not the fastest props but they have won me more races then i have lost.

What size chopper are you using?
Hey Kris I can see a few things that need to be adjusted or thrown away!!

You bringing it to WORLD OUTBOARD CHAMPS ?