Tried the Dean's on my Airtronics FM dual conversion black reciever, took it over to my radio tech pal to have it retuned. He showed me on the oscilloscope that the Airtronics didn't seem to respond very well to it. I ripped it off and went with a Hayes. Don't know why some radios like the Deans and some do not, but I agree that some do not. Not many of those little white antennas racing around here, guess they haven't been workin for other people either.( in fact can't remember the last time I saw one).Have had very good luck with Hayes, be sure to check that the music wire is tightly cinched in good to the little gold connector inside the black plastic screw on part. Many years ago, they had a batch, that the wire would easily pull out of. I now have some of the Airtronics blue dual conversion recievers and they are working better than anything I've had, more cell phone technology getting into our recievers!! Rudy