Dave Frank Oh boy oberto for LSH


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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2003
Hello im considering building a Oh berto for LSH class the hull is 28'' in length and has a 14'' beam as for construction i would avoid any balsa sponson and hull sides and frames 3/32 birch ply with possibly blue Dow foam in side the sponsons for floatation and additional gluing surface for the 1/32'' ply decking .My ? here is #1 would this hull be to large and heavy physically for the LSH class to be competitive ? #2 or would i benefit from possibly down sizing e.g to may be say 26'' length ?.I noticed that the HM Vipers are very competitive in LSH and look to be around 24'' with a 12'' beam. Regards Andris Golts.
Hi Andris,

If you can keep the built hull weight to around 1 to 1 1/2 pounds the bigger boat won't be a problem. There are several guys running a glass version of that hull that works very well. If I was building it I would use 1/16th ply frames and 32nd skins all around. ;) I would keep all the frames solid and make sure each compartment was sealed from the rest. That way no extra flotation needs to be added keeping weight down.

Paul is right(imagine that:)), keep the weight down for lsh.

I have built one from plans and also had a bandit larsony. The wood boat is lighter but no matter what I did the wood one was slower. The diferance is the flat part of the bottom fom the transom on the kit is about 1 1/2 inches longer. There is supossed to be a later version of the plans with updates on it. What the updates are I do not know. I run mine in lsh. It is slower than the camples and h+m's. But I win a lot of overall races finishing all the heats in the top three.
