Crapshooter 21-40


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Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2009
Ok this is my third old school rigger and need some ideas. Its the one listed on ebay and here. I have the Daytona coyote with a OS 46VRM and the 60 coyote with a 90RS in it, what should I do with this boat. Any engine and hardware ideas to include things for sale for this build would be great. Gifts will not be turned downed... :)
Hello, you bought that old school crapshooter, cool. Look in the other threads here in the rigger section and ask those guys what to do, they will know best. Best of luck with her, she is really a gorgeous boat. I would think hardware wise that speedmaster would be a good start.

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OK no ideas how about starting with a CMB 45HR in this crapshooter. Any one been running this set up or has in the past. What prop would you start with in this type of combo? Strut/rudder size
I had a friend with an old avenger 21 rigger with a 45 in it and it was a rocket!! Just be careful, those old boats were designed for the power of their era and not the power these motors of today. Good luck with it and post some videos when your done. Ryon Shaw
You really need to talk to the guys in this post. They may be able to help you ou. But I thing is for sure this is not a Crapshooter. It may be a copy of one from the 70 or 80. But good luck with this boat I would put a 45 HR CMB in it. And for hardwear I would use

Lenny blake he is with Rum Racing this is his web address

Good luck.

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Thanks Brian

Luck is all that is needed. I have had good luck so far. This boat may not be a true crapshooter but as long as the build was good it should be ok. one of my other boats was said to have been built my The owner of the design himself. I was told other things also but the bottom line was it was built square and runs good. easy to setup goes fast even by todays standards. Again thanks for your help
if it were me, i would deffinately WIDEN the foot print of teh front sponsons, especially if yo uare going to use a CMB in it with the power of that motor.

say maybe out to 16 inches measured from one inner surface of a sponson to the other inner surface of the other sponson.


A 1457 or 1655 should work very well with a short pipe length

for good RPM.

Good Luck Testing,

Mark Sholund