Cowl for Whiplash Sport20


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Brian Blazer

Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Dec 2, 2003
I need to design a cowl for the sport20. I placed the sport40 cowl on the boat and it doesn't look too bad. I need to make some modifications to it to get it to work, but it is a start.

Do you guys like the cowl with, or without the rear fin?

The air scoop needs to be moved forward.

Is the cowl too long? Too big? Too ugly?

Any opinions would be great.

thanks, Brian



I think the fin is fun, kind of a retro look. Maybe shrink the cowl a bit, but it looks cool.
B) Look Great good cowling on the sport20. Should you show size turn fin?? <_< Also look lowprofile front size tank __oz? :huh:
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I think its awesome!.......length is almost perfect......just have to fit it to the center section and your good to go..... :)
I like the looks. The cowl looks like it was made for that boat. Looks like I will have to have one to go with my Whiplash Sport 40

I need to design a cowl for the sport20. I placed the sport40 cowl on the boat and it doesn't look too bad. I need to make some modifications to it to get it to work, but it is a start.

Do you guys like the cowl with, or without the rear fin?

The air scoop needs to be moved forward.

Is the cowl too long? Too big? Too ugly?

Any opinions would be great.

thanks, Brian



It looks to me like you could use that cowl for both the 20 and the 40. It looks great! But the real question is, how do you get away with putting your boats on the furniture?
I like it but I would take the top vent off and put 1 on each side. I did that on a stealth cowl from Phil thomas and it does a great job keeping everything cool. I have also had on more than 1 ocasion had the boat flip, skip then, land back right side up and keep running with out flooding the engine compartment.
Hi Brian,

I like the cowl, maybe you could offer the cowl in two designs, with the fin for transom exhaust , and without, for thru the cowl exhaust. Is the front vent far enough forward to cool the motor? Don Luckhurst
thanks to everyone who made a suggestion.

I think I am going to take the existing cowl, move it forward so the scoop is on top of the glow plug. I will then make the nose a little more blunt to make up the difference. I am also modify the fin a little so it is parallel with the riding surface. I think with these three modifications, the boat will look great.

thanks guys!

Brain im with dad on this one….. one thought… I would keep it just a tad larger then one might think and not to far forward.. Also if you mean have the fin parallel with the water you might want to consider having the fin just a small amount taller in back.. Mine is parallel and i now wish i would have left it taller.

Either way its going to look great.

Nice job.
