coolant line ideas from transom to head.


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Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2006
do any of you guys use small copper or brass tubing as solid coolant line from inside the transom to somewhere up near the engine.I was thinking of doing this and holding it in place whith nylon landing gear hold downs.

there would of course be flexable coolant lines at the engine and from the rudder to the metal tubing.

I thought if was installed along the inside of the engine well it would make a nice neat install.

or is it just one more place the line could come off??

good idea or bad


Where would the best place and how would you recommend setting up the discharge line.

I have the turbine cowl and there is no cutout to acess the sponsons as it's one of the first hull's produced.

90 degree thru the cowl.
I have used brass tubing through the radio box on riggers. Buy a tube one size bigger than original, cut small rings and solder to ends, creates a barb for fuel line and cable tie. Ray B)

We use aluminum tubing, it is lighter and works very well.

Good Luck,

Mark Sholund