CMB .45 RS


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Ron Jefferson

Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2004
How do you get the crank out of the RS motor. This is my first time having the engine apart and I'd like to look further inside. Can't figure out how to take the crank out though. I'll probably be asking real soon about putting the wrist pin clip back in through the exhaust port. First things first.

Just got it. Now how do you put the wrist pin clip in without it going "ping" accross the room.

Get a large clear freezer bag and put the piston and pin inside as you work on it. If it goes "ping" it stays in the bag . This has worked for me for years hope this helps
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I use a piece of K&S tube and slide the clip down the inside untill it seats.

Cheers Nigel.
Ron J,

How's that CMB 45 RS perform? Is it better than the 45 drum intake or the same. It looks a lot easier to mount if you have problems with space in the tub.
Mark: So far it's a great engine. I run it stock in a Seaducer mono and it's as competitive as any of the CMB, Picco and Mac engines that have been modified. It's the smoothest engine I've ever owned and has the best throttle response I've seen as well. I ran the engine for the whole season and it needs nothing. It looks new inside. I don't know if I'll bother to change the bearings or not. If you're squeezed for space the short engine may be the way to go.

I have no opinion on how the engine works in a hydro. In fact, around here I'm the only one I know that runs one. I'd buy another in a heartbeat. Mine is the model with bearings at both ends of the crank. No bushings.

Bart: Are you positive "thats pretty normal"? The only reason I mentioned it in my post was that I read something on Dave Marles site about the RS engine. They were all talking about problems with the crank pins and there was something about them having a bushing at one end of the crank.

I've had no issues with my engine at all and assumed they were talking about a different version or an earlier motor. Not to mention them talking about running their boats for hours in a single outing. Sounds like they endurance race to me.

I had the Evo 2.2 before this and broke a crank before the engine had a gallon of fuel through it.

Hi Ron ,

Yes i'm positive .

To explain ,

the Evo 2/2 still had a needle roller ( side of the carb )

the RS has two ball bearings ( first series ) one on each side .

Latests RS's have 3 ball bearings , one on carbside , two on the other side .

Here is a link to the pictures of the first series on Robert Daniel's site :

Yes , we run 30 mins in one heat, FSR V

Your Evo 2/2 , u broke the crank , i bet u mean the crankshaft right ?

EVO & Evo 2 : problem: breaking the crankcases ( I broke 4 of them )

Evo 2/2 : first serie oki , after that : breaking the crankshafts

RS : breaking the crankshafts all the way , in V and O . ( breaking after 30 mins was common )

Cmb is working on this now and they hope they got a solution by the beginning of the new year .

Best regards ,

For hydro (heat) racing the motors seems to go better...

This years World Champion in 45 hydro, Kjell Gunnar Noddeland from Norway has run this motor this season with very good results.
