Hi Ron ,
Yes i'm positive .
To explain ,
the Evo 2/2 still had a needle roller ( side of the carb )
the RS has two ball bearings ( first series ) one on each side .
Latests RS's have 3 ball bearings , one on carbside , two on the other side .
Here is a link to the pictures of the first series on Robert Daniel's site :
Yes , we run 30 mins in one heat, FSR V
Your Evo 2/2 , u broke the crank , i bet u mean the crankshaft right ?
EVO & Evo 2 : problem: breaking the crankcases ( I broke 4 of them )
Evo 2/2 : first serie oki , after that : breaking the crankshafts
RS : breaking the crankshafts all the way , in V and O . ( breaking after 30 mins was common )
Cmb is working on this now and they hope they got a solution by the beginning of the new year .
Best regards ,