cmb 45 RS


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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2008
:blink: Using a CMB 45 RS with a CMB pipe. in my muck sport 40. What should the pipe length be?????? Or other suggestions with the motor pipe combo would be appreciated.
:blink: Using a CMB 45 RS with a CMB pipe. in my muck sport 40. What should the pipe length be?????? Or other suggestions with the motor pipe combo would be appreciated.
ooooopppsss :huh:

Walt Barney
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:blink: Using a CMB 45 RS with a CMB pipe. in my muck sport 40. What should the pipe length be?????? Or other suggestions with the motor pipe combo would be appreciated.
CMB 45 RS in hydro, Brown Pipe set at 9"

Walt Barney
I am running his silver parabolic pipe on a ac sport40 at 10and a quarter lower then that i lose power
I am planning to use a cmb pipe and was wondering if anyone had used one also :blink: