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Mike McKnight

Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2005
A little while back when there were a flurry of questions on Circus and Miller boats I had some requests for pics. Since I cannot find the original messages and emails from the people that had asked I am going to post this here.

One of the things that had come up when I sent a couple of people the pics of the 8401 as it ran in 1989 as the Circus Backup Hull I had pics that showed two different sets of verts on it. The older style with the flat trailing edge and the newer Jones style with the tapered trailing edge and the curved notch at the base like what was on the primary hull. I may have given a few folks the wrong info about the wings. I remember two people in particular asking if it ever ran wiht the newer wings and I may have said no and that is not correct. After researching something for myself I found that it actually ran with both. The 8401 hull ran twice in 89. TC and Seattle. The primary hull was damaged in a crash prior to TriCities and apparently they were not happy with the way it ran in testing so they qualified with the backup hull. Well in the process of qualifying the rudder broke and sent the boat out of control. It stayed right side up but apparently the entire wing assembly was damaged from the violent way the boat jerked and came to rest. The next week in Seattle they had the newer Jones style verts on it when Chip beat the Bud with it.

In case you guys building Miller boats are wondering both of those boats had the older style wings described above. By the way since I am still at home a bit with mama helping her with recovering from childbirth I have partially completed plugs to make molds for the canopies and cowls for all of these boats. I've been splitting time between home and office so while mama and baby are sleepin I've been sneaking off to the garage.
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congrates on the new addition. I am one that asked alot of questions as I am building the 1988 U-31 miller version. I have built the verticals in the old style. Again, my concern is with the rear shoes, the kit from Dumas has the shoes on it, but that is also for the Circus boat. I have pic's of the back of the boat being lowered into the water but don't know if its the 88 or 89 hull.

All the pic's and advise you've given so far has been great. Thanks alot.

Are you still doing graphic's for scales? If so, I will probibly be placing an order in the next month or two for the 88 U-31 miller high life graphics.
The Miller sponsorship stopped at the end of 88. Now I remember our exchange Ed. I also had someone asking about the 89 Circus backup too that is why I posted this. I've been working on several computers and I can't find all the emails. You boat did have the shoes so go ahead as planned. I'll be back on the graphics in another few days or so.
Again, thanks Mike. Like I said, it will be about a month or so before I order. I'll send you pics when I get the boat done.