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Brings back some memories. A HS/College friend had a 30 sedan. His family had a LARGE german shepard that was trained to take commands in german. His Father would issue a command in german and the dog would sit at my feet and snarl. another command in german and it would back off. I should look up my old friend- that Shepherd's got to be dead by now. :lol:
Hauling boats in this thing may be interesting since there is barely enough room for me may have to tie a few boats to the roof or get a period correct trailer to haul around I have pictures when I was a little kid helping my grandpa work on a model A he always had trucks i've been looking for a truck but nothing close and the ones i've found have been complete basket cases so when this one turned up I jumped on it plus it was only 3 blocks away from my house the last one my grandpa got was a bare frame the cab halves and the box its complete and cherry now so if there are any issues in time i know who to take it to