You need to buy a hobbico 12v battery charger for your battery.
Did you get a starter panel or how are you going to wire your starter and glo driver? Best i found is running a glow driver off a panel.
Put some gator clips on the charger ends and just let charge for 12-24 hours.
and YES Fully charge your battery at 1 amp for the first time.
They come i think with a charge to them, kinda like a wet charge. I doubt there charged fully from the factory. Best bet charge at 1 amp over night, and it will be a good battery for you, Depending on use, you dont need to charge it before everytime to the pond. My 12v 14amp gel cell lasted well over a month with 2 days a week at the lake.
I have used a car battery charger, 2-4 amps i think, but was used to top it off for a hour or two of charge.
About boiling the batteries, if its not a automatic charger or dont shut off, it will COOK The battery. You will not "boil" the battery, but over charging it will take life out of the battery cycles.