carpal tunnel syndrome


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Jun 20, 2008
Has any one had carpal tunnel surgery did it work or not how long did it take to recover did it get rid of the numbness I have been wearing a wrist splint at night for six weeks now has any one tried therapy or cortazone shots if so did it help


Pete collinson
I'm a equipment operator and 2 years ago I had all the symptoms of it. A doctor didn't want to do anything so I went to the chiropractor for about a month and the pain and numbing has left me. Not sure if it was the chiropractor or how I changed my seating and controls in the excavator...
The worst thing is surgery it will get worse i know a few people that had, had it and they got worse the real doctors will tell you not to have the surgery. Robert

Call me and I can tell you all about it been there done that.

Pm sent

After 35 years of railroading I had moderate to severe in both hands and elbows. The splints seemed to work for me. My last conductivity tests were normal and I haven't been wearing them since. I still have numbness in my arms and hands from neck issues so sometimes it's hard to sort out which numbness is which. My mom had the surgery and she swears it did nothing but she has arthritis as well.

I switched from a mouse to a laptop around the same time which might have helped, my wife is an accountant when she spends too much time on the computer she has trouble with her mousing hand.
Has any one had carpal tunnel surgery did it work or not how long did it take to recover did it get rid of the numbness I have been wearing a wrist splint at night for six weeks now has any one tried therapy or cortazone shots if so did it help


Pete collinson
Pete, I opted for the cortozine shot and wore the wrist splints for about 3 months. The best advice I got from a Dr. was " Don't work so hard". Whenever the fingers started getting numb I'd just take a break.