Can one build a sport 20 hydro from newton plans, Are there rules on how to.


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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2008
Hey there, I was thinking of building a sport 20 using newton plans. Could this be done or allowed? What rules are there if you want to build one?
"....building a sport 20 using newton plans. Could this be done or allowed? What rules are there if you want to build one?"


You certainly can. Go here and have a look at the IMPBA Sportsman 20 rules:

The site says there is an update coming - 2006 Rules are presently displayed. Based on the length restrictions, figure out how big you would like the hull to be. FedEx Office shops have the ability to blow up, or reduce a plan by a percentage. I fairly recently had an old Sport 40 plan blown up to 135% and used that as a starting point for a Classic Thunderboat hull I'm building.

You may want to seek some advise on modifying Roger's Scale plan to make the hull more competative. Items such as hull length, width, sponson angle, shape and running surface area. I would suggest reducing the nose rise of the hull bottom to reduce the high angle of attack of that lifting surface. I only purchase the Newton paint plan and draw my own plan from there. I build Wood Over Foam (WOF) so I don't use Rogers drawn bulkheads.

You may well want to reduce the frame drawings down to the size you are looking for and build the first hull as drawn. It will require a little manipulation of the plans which ever way you decide to go. It will surely give you a large number of hull options as Roger and now David Newton offer a large number of hulls to choose from. Wood is GOOD !!! Good luck with your project. CHEERS !!! Bob Johnson
What boat do you want to build? I may have a plan for it. #108 123 others. most 43 inch boats would be 30 inches long if reduced 30 percent
It's the U-100 Miss Rock 1985. I think it's the same boat as your scale boat Phil . I have the plans, so I would need to reduce the plans?
As already stated above, reduce the hull length down to the length you want it within the Sport 20 rules. I believe that's between 30 and 36", so it's just a matter of figuring out what the percentage is to get the length. After you get the plans reduced, add some width in the engine bay to make more room for engine and pipe as well as to widen the tunnel. I know with a plan 108 hull I shrunk down, it's too narrow across the tunnel being only 9" or so in a 36" hull. Most of the sport 40 hulls are around 10" across the tunnel so I should have made mine wider. As it is now, it's the same dimensions as the Dumas U-76 Atlas kit, though at much less weight. Now I just need to install a radio system and make a cowl and it's ready for paint :)
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I had, really good luck building from a Dave Frank scale of a scale plan... It was your standard pickle design. Old boy that I lent my masters to proceeded to confetti the set..... the little boat, while heavy, and definitely subject to a diet build later, was the only boat ever, upon completion, that I maiden launched, and it never looked back.....

The boat took my highest nova power, and never flinched, asking for more..... after achieving as close to pinnacle with it as I could, I just faded from it, while sport 20 is cool, I got a little irritated packing 18 tons of engine, lines, and radio into a 2 ton box.... check into the Frank archives if you can find it...... it may have only been a spt 40, but I think it was a scale before that..... It was easily legal, and i built mine to spt 40 rules, even before spt 20 rose to early interest.....

cowlings will be the issue, also... I had a one off a friend laid up for me......

good luck..... Mike
I had, really good luck building from a Dave Frank scale of a scale plan... It was your standard pickle design. Old boy that I lent my masters to proceeded to confetti the set..... the little boat, while heavy, and definitely subject to a diet build later, was the only boat ever, upon completion, that I maiden launched, and it never looked back.....

The boat took my highest nova power, and never flinched, asking for more..... after achieving as close to pinnacle with it as I could, I just faded from it, while sport 20 is cool, I got a little irritated packing 18 tons of engine, lines, and radio into a 2 ton box.... check into the Frank archives if you can find it...... it may have only been a spt 40, but I think it was a scale before that..... It was easily legal, and i built mine to spt 40 rules, even before spt 20 rose to early interest.....

cowlings will be the issue, also... I had a one off a friend laid up for me......

good luck..... Mike

Hey Mike,

Your Blackbird will work right from first launch too!...If you set it up to Chris' specs.
If that is the boat you want to scale down. I know how mine is coming out and would love to see someone else try their hand at a "MiniNewton" :)
Well, it is just a thought as of now. I was just needing to know if it's possible to do it. I still have a scale to put together and a miss Vegas to finish rebuilting as the 82 Atlas. Plus making new semi scale cowling for the Vegas. I think I have to much on my plate. Haha. The sport 20 may be something in the future. I'm having a hard time getting the scale together.
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