Can a .12 rigger hit 60 mph


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60 is possible...... but i doubt it with that engine. franks hulls can do it i believe..... but not that engine if I was guessing.
I personally don't think a USED .12 rigger is worth $300 ezpecially with minor damage & no radio equiptment.

100 for hardware

140 for engine (from towers)

70 for wood kit (FF.12)

$310 brand new. I would guestmate. I would say it was worth about $260 to $280 at best. If his startting bid was lower, it would defently be worth looking at.

Just my opnion.

I don't know anything about Frank Bonanno. Maybe it is worth it if his hulls are that superior.
It's staggering how fast these lil demons are goin'. Gotta be soon that htere will be a race class for them don't you think?

Because the pond is too small. By the time I'm getting on it it's time to slow down. Being that it's an O/B rigger they don't get up on plane all that fast.
Ron Olson said:
I saw that boat this morning on eBay. I thought also the the price might be a little high. Frank's boats are fast. Dirt Dummy has a video of his over on powered with a Fantom .15 .Here's a link for the inquiring minds:
I know the guy that is selling that boat. That .15 ss is ported and has a 8mm carb it makes my boat look like a slug! They have clocked it on radar at 72 mph. Last time I checked Frank's hulls went for $300 without hardware or motor. So $300 is not that bad.
Well, I guess I stand corrected. Maybe it is worth it. It would cool to see a .15 size rigger going 70+mph. Do you know if there is a video of it anywhere?
bzubee said:
YES Gary Preusse has the record over 60mph and let me drive his rigger at our records trial  and I got a 60mph speed patch from IMPBA.
Gary Pruesse lost that record to Preston Hall almost a year ago. The record now stands at 78.534 mph and Preston actually now holds all 3 A hydro records. :eek:
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I think 60 is very possible with a .12. The weight of the boat and the type of engine are a big factor. I still can't say I have been able to do it, but I have come with in a few miles an hour with a NS5 NR. I was using a 220 and the boat weighed 1,150 grams with a full tank. I was also using a full heat sink with no cowl. If I had cut it down, I believe I would have been able to go over 60.

Most of the 45s over here set up for heat racing easily go 65 to 70 mph. I agree with the fellow earlier in this thread. You should consentrate on making your .45 faster before you go dishin' out the bucks for a .12.

I sold my Hammerhead .12 on RCboats for 250 bucks. It has a .12 TR-PT that had tons of life in it, The radio compartment was only less receiver, and there was absolutely no damage. Wade is right. If you put your mind to it, you can build a new one for about the same.

I would avoid spending that much money on it.


you weight your boat in grams.......awesome!

As for making the 7.5 do 45.......I'd have to drag it off the back of my truck, the boats the size of a surfboard and very old. It's not an SG.
Hammerhead said:
I think 60 is very possible with a .12. The weight of the boat and the type of engine are a big factor. I still can't say I have been able to do it, but I have come with in a few miles an hour with a NS5 NR. I was using a 220 and the boat weighed 1,150 grams with a full tank. I was also using a full heat sink with no cowl. If I had cut it down, I believe I would have been able to go over 60.Most of the 45s over here set up for heat racing easily go 65 to 70 mph. I agree with the fellow earlier in this thread. You should consentrate on making your .45 faster before you go dishin' out the bucks for a .12.

I sold my Hammerhead .12 on RCboats for 250 bucks. It has a .12 TR-PT that had tons of life in it, The radio compartment was only less receiver, and there was absolutely no damage. Wade is right. If you put your mind to it, you can build a new one for about the same.

I would avoid spending that much money on it.

I have never seen a hammerhead run, But I have Frank Bonano's boats and they handle like they are on rails. I will save the time for tuning and running and buy Frank's hulls. ;)
DD, you did too! Remember? You posted a video for me on your site. It was the Maiden voyage of the first Laser cut kit. It didn't run well that day but we didn't expect much for it's first outing.

I have a video of the original too.
Ron Olson said:
DD, you did too! Remember? You posted a video for me on your site. It was the Maiden voyage of the first Laser cut kit. It didn't run well that day but we didn't expect much for it's first outing.I have a video of the original too.
Your right Ron I stand corrected! But I will have to go back and watch it to compare. What ever happened to those pictures you where going to send me remember? :D

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