Im in the process of building this rigger with a lot of ? as the instruction manual is vague #1 the ride pads on sponson bottoms picture shows large angled ride pad glued to left sponson or port side instructions say to glue it to the right sponson which one is correct ? I m running a Nemisis 9xl on 12 -18 cells how much torque do i require for steering servo ? Should i be using a 4-40 rod for steering arm ? or is this over kill? In the tub for the battery packs should they be placed side by side as there is no mention to positioning ? Can packs be velcro to 1/32'' bottom ? which seams a bit on the flimsy side or should bracing be placed in the battery locatiion which im guessing will be determined by center of gravity which is also not mentioned in the instructions . For finishing the rigger i would like to leave it natural wood i was thinking to seal it in Minwax Helmsman spar urethane but im open to suggestions any info would be great .