building a proboat 1/8th hull


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Well-Known Member
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Apr 13, 2006
The famous Don Ferret said way to much to make it work, I was looking at a hull at local hs today and I question my self what if, it seems to be light, as far as I know the demension's are within spec lot's of room drop in a CMB greeny .67 speedmater hwd. and go race it anyone tried this? any help would be great I have built 2 boats so far this winter, just looking for an easy way out to get a scale ready by, sick of the crapy dumas kit I have so many hour's in
Don't waste your time or money on a Pro Boat hull. There are so many things that need to be done to it that it just wouldn't be worth it. If you want a scale boat, get a set of plans and build it. You will have a better boat and be happier with it in the long run
Guess my advice the first time around wasn't good enough or maybe I told you something you really didn't want to hear? Just trying to save you alot of grief my friend as I said previously I've seen someone attempt it already, not pretty. Unfortunately scale & shortcuts are two words that usually don't go well together, what problems are you having with the Dumas kit? BTW- I certainly wouldn't know about the famous part but it would be nice if you spelled my last name correctly. B)
Unfortunately, those Pro Boat hulls seem to inspire "creative engineering", even though they are garbage. In my opinion, it would have been nice if they could have gotten at least a few of the details right. What's up with the tiplets anyway?