Bored at Work.......12 rigger


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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2002
I am in-between-jobs at work, so I started messing around. ;D This is what I came up with. Keep in mind, I doubt if I will ever build it unless everyone thinks it might work. :p

No sponsons yet as well.
Re:Board at Work.......12 rigger

"COOL, Wade!"

I think that design could be very fast in SAW or smooth water conditions. My only problem is, I'm still not convinced that a rear sponsonless boat would handle all out oval race conditions properly.

Keep in mind though that this opinion comes from a severly

outdated boat racer. ;D ;D

Don ;)
Re:Board at Work.......12 rigger

Don, outdated, ....... you, naw!!!!!! I was kind of thinking it would be cool to make it out of (if i ever do) thin CF. SAW, hmmmm, you might be right. Kind of low profile isn't it.
Interesting. The FE racers are putting the front boom way up there like that. I was wondering when a Nitro burner would work with that. I like the low profile also. With the servos laid down, it could easily work. The rear is not that clear so I can't really figure out what is going on back there.
I tihnk that I'm going to have to learn how to do cad one of these days.... looks cool wade, would be really neat to see it done.

I'm still messing with the transom. basically I am thinking a v-hull design tappered back to a point. :-
By the way Wade, that side view kinda looks like a nuclear sub. Just add a conning tower for the cowl. ;D

LOL, I didn't notice the resemblance Don, it kind of. ;D

Another 1 1/2 hrs of no work. :p

I changed the rear of the hull, & added sponsons. How does it look now?
Thank's Don, I'm glad that you like it

I would need a vac-bag system to make it the way I would want though. :'(