Bonding wood to Fiberglass hull??


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I need to bond some wood (engine blocks/stringers) to the inside of my fiberglass hull. I have some info on using fiberglass resin and fiber mat to bond it. Does fiberglass resin have a strong smell associated with it?

Can I use expoxy, 5 or 30minute, in place of the resin?

I was also told automotive bondo body filler works, is this true?

Thanks, Gene
Don't know about the Bondo body filler. The polyester resin does have an odder to it; pretty strong in fact. I wouldn't recommend doing inside unless you have a good ventilation system to the outside. The one thing you need to know is what the resin in the hull is. Epoxy doesn't stick to the polyester resin well at all. So if the hull is polyester resin, you should use the same. If it is an epoxy hull, you can use epoxy. Given that it is a Dumas hull, I would assume it is polyester resin. You can get some at any automotive supply store.

Hey Gene, why don’t you register with Intlwaters? ;)
Hey Gene, why don’t you register with Intlwaters? ;)
I registered a long time ago when I was building a tunnel hull but I forgot what my username and password was.

I tried the "forgotten password" link and tried to get it by using my email address but I get the "no email response codes" message. (whatever that means, LOL).

I also tried to re-register but when I do I get the "email address already in use by another registered member" message. Go figure.

Yes, my life is a mess. :'(

;D ;D ;D

Thanks for the bonding info. I'll just use the resin and make sure its well ventilated. Or maybe do it outside on anice day.

Outside on a nice day would be the best. the smell will linger for awhile if you don't, I have experience with this. Wife was not too happy :(

Did you Email Tom about the problem with your password problem?
I have had problems with epoxy delaminating from polyester, basically, use like products on like products, & you should be fine.

Tom Moorehouse. He is this sites moderator.

[email protected]
With polyester resin you have to sand and clean it really good between layers. The resin has a wax that forms on the top to aid in curing. It also takes alot longer to cure than a 5 minute epoxy, even if you mix up a very hot batch. The resin will set up fast, but it will remain sticky for along time. Plan to glue it and set it a side for the night.

Listen to the guys about the smell! I glued in stringers and it stunk up the whole house. I had to take the wife out to eat and then to the mall while the house aired out. It cost me a fortune!
Use epoxy resin it will not smell and will bond just fine to polyester. Use cloth not mat it's stronger. Just make sure you clean and sand the surface that you are bonding to. I have seen several polyester boats that have had repairs made of epoxy glass parts bonded to polyester hulls with epoxy glass that have run for years. You probably want to stay away from 5 min as several of the 5 min epoxy manufactures do not recommend 5 min for use around water ,the other thing is that 5 min will not give you much time to work as well as soak into the glass and stringers.