Bob Costas… The new poster boy for gun control


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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2009
The quote reaffirmed by Bob Costas…“If Jovan Belcher didn't possess a gun, he and Kasandra Perkins would both be alive today."

REALLY? Lack of a gun did not stop O.J. Simpson.

It is so easy to blame an inanimate object rather than taking ownership of the real cause behind domestic violence. People like Bob Costas do a disservice to all domestic violence victims by distracting people from the real cause behind these heinous acts. Blame it on the gun!... Not the person, that person’s upbringing, substance abuse, etc.

Bob may find himself looking for a new line of work after making these comments.
I hear you Sean... I cannot stand Costas and now we need to hear him talk about guns also .... the guy holding the gun did the killing ....
In 2010 there were 8775 murders with guns. That's from a FBI website. In 2010 there were 32,885 vehicle related deaths. Thats from Wiki. You are 3.74 time more likely to die from a car than a gun. Lets ban cars!
Bob Costas is nothing more than an arrogant never was who is constantly paraded out by NBC as some sage of sports wisdom. Now he thinks Americans give two shitz about his opinion on gun control. What a knob!

Buck Fob Costas!
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I do not look at it like the media and have a hard time watching the nuts and flakes in the media keep pumping the B.S. to our people- some folks seem to take it seriously. They are uneducated or have no common sense.
I do not look at it like the media and have a hard time watching the nuts and flakes in the media keep pumping the B.S. to our people- some folks seem to take it seriously. They are uneducated or have no common sense.
" the nuts and flakes in the media keep pumping the B.S. to our people-"

I with you Glenn! It's all propaganda to control the masses.
Andy, The topic of gun control is more in the spotlight than ever and the media making these kind of statements is untrue. A man(or woman) will be what they are- with or without a gun.. Honest law biding citicens will use them for legal hunting activites or as as last line of defence to defend their famlies or homes. Criminals will use them for violating law biding citizens rights.
I do not look at it like the media and have a hard time watching the nuts and flakes in the media keep pumping the B.S. to our people- some folks seem to take it seriously. They are uneducated or have no common sense.
" the nuts and flakes in the media keep pumping the B.S. to our people-"

I with you Glenn! It's all propaganda to control the masses.
Some of you might remember almost 2 years ago when Senator R.C. Soles, who is totally against gun ownership by the average citizen shot an unarmed intruder at the entrance of his home. Yup, more of that do as I say not as I do...............
Don, Are you implying there is some kind of "double standard" in this great nation? Would the govt. knock on your door and mine asking us to surrender guns before asking a senator who shoots UNARMED people to surrender theirs?
Don, Are you implying there is some kind of "double standard" in this great nation? Would the govt. knock on your door and mine asking us to surrender guns before asking a senator who shoots UNARMED people to surrender theirs?
Now Glenn would I do something like that? :rolleyes:
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Our forefathers knew the age old game. They knew first hand about tyrantical governments. They were not dumbies.

The 2nd ammendment is clear. Everyone should have guns!

Guns are a good defense tool.

If one wants to offensively kill someone there are LOTS of other tools that can be used. More than could ever be outlawed.
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I was living in the Dallas,Tx. area when they allowed the carry/conceal license to go public. Immediatly the crime rate went down to a new low. Like i always say: Nevermind the 2 german shepards beware of the homeowner with 2 Desert eagles !!!! :blink:
Alright this is still pissing me off... So I watched it again .... And I now realize Bob has toooo many fancy big words in his vocabulary and Jason whatever his name is also to blame ... So Bob you and your studio 42 and voicing your opinion can kiss my A**....

Here it is for those that missed all his fancy pants words...

Bob Costas continues to pontificate. This time in response to a Dallas Cowboy who is being charged with intoxication/manslaughter.

A spoof taken from another webiste...

I expect Bob Costas to demand that people surrender their firearms automobiles, because obviously, the death of this young man was facilitated by the other man’s ownership of an automobile – which clearly made him drive drunk. Mr Costas later clarified his position on Car Control saying:

“Here’s where I stand: I do not want to see the
Second Amendment
car ownership repealed. … People should be allowed to own
cars for their own
convenience. Obviously, those who are
drivers … Access to
cars is too easy in some cases. I don’t see any reason a citizen should be able to
equip himself in some states in ways only police or military should — to have a virtual
militia [by] mail order
drunken deathrace [by] order or
from car shows. Why do you need a
automatic transmission
vehicle? What possible use is there? … Whitlock wrote about a
car culture. That’s what I was focusing on.”