Being competative with a small budget


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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2004

I plan on building a Hawk 3.5 rigger during the next couple months. I dont have much money and cant spend alot on a nitro .21 engine. With about 160$ can I get a competable engine to race...or attempt to anyways? :p Im sure a few people will have some engines laying around that they might sell, ill have to keep an eye on them.

Phil ;) B) :rolleyes:
Being competitive is a relative word. Finishing the race is the main thing. The competition in that class in tough, most are running motors at twice the price. Keep your eyes open for a good used one, maybe you can find one in that price range but in the meantime, keep saving your money.
When racing on a budget motors are the one place that it is usually cheaper to save and buy new. There are from time to time good bargains on used equipment, but plan on at least putting new bearings in anything you buy.

Good Question!!!!

I gotta agree it is relative, I have seen guys with what looked like junk kick some serious butt. As long as the hull is good on the setup board and sharp edges, fancy paint is not gonna make you any faster, stick with the basics to FINISH, put the bucks in tha motor and practice your driving, let the high dollar guys take each other out the first three laps and cruise home for the win. Update as funds allow,

Gene :D
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Phil: Check with Michael or Steve Ball. Michael's running a .21 Hawk (I believe he bought it used) with a stock OS and is as competitive as anyone out there. There wasn't a boat I was more impressed with this year. Cheap, reliable and real competitive. Good luck...

Thanks for the input, I suppose your right, people who just start cant exspect to win.

Can you use SG style cranks for a boat, without alot of modding? Im still real interested in running the hyper 8 picco, it looks perfect, and a claimed 2.5 hp sounds nice. I was reading an article from RCCA a while back and they tested a motor and RCCA's dynoed hp readout was close to the companys claim. I just thought that was interesting that maybe they arent stretching the hp as much as they think. Who knows :p

Phil B) ;) :)
go with a boat motor that is what they are designed for. also is 160 all you have for the whole boat? gotta think about hardwere, starter, radio, and other crap. my new radio was $130 ahhh 3 channel. :D just gotta think about the whole project. my dads sport 20 was about 500 bucks before it even touched the water and that was with a low budget and hardwere.
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oh and another thing that is why i suggest 3.5 tunnels to every newbie.

new ss engine 210

villan hull 155

radio 50

running gear and cables 50

you spent 465 but you have a top of the line hull and motor. then it all comes down to who is the better driver.
O its 160$ for just the engine, i think im going to have to get a pull start, I cant afford to pay another 60$ on a starter. I plan on machining my own hardware and stuff, if successful I might sell it. I know it will be around 300$ for the entire thing.

Not2bright, I remember you reccomended that I should run a CMB .21 I know it needs a starter but has anybody had good luck with that motor?

Phil <_< :blink: :)
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Pennywizz6 said:
O its 160$ for just the engine, i think im going to have to get a pull start, I cant afford to pay another 60$ on a starter. I plan on machining my own hardware and stuff, if successful I might sell it.  I know it will be around 300$ for the entire thing.
Not2bright, I remember you reccomended that I should run a CMB .21 I know it needs a starter but has anybody had good luck with that motor?

Phil <_<   :blink:   :)


i didnt say cmb i said a ops se .21 they are $185 with pipe and header

and you can get a starter for $20 but then you need a 12 volt battery
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not2bright said:
oh and another thing that is why i suggest 3.5 tunnels to every newbie.
new ss engine              210

villan hull                     155 

radio                             50

running gear and cables  50

you spent 465 but you have a top of the line hull and motor. then it all comes down to who is the better driver.


A few things to consider.

1. A $50.00 is what you give to your enemies. Why anyone would spend hundreds on a boat only to use a radio that is going to glitch is beyond me.

2. If you are planning racing and expect to bring home hardware, a tunnel is not a cheap investment. I'm building my son a 20 tunnel over the winter and it's going to cost me more than it cost to build my Blackjack. It's more like this:

engine package $800

hull $155 to $335.00

radio & servos $350

running gear and cables $150
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I don't know if your interested but I'll sell you A Pico SE 21 with header and a sullivan 12Volt starter for $75 incuding shipping. I was trying to post some pics but it won't let me I have no idea why. so if you nterested I'll e-mail them to you.


What do you want for the SE Picco?? I have one and would like another for parts or to backup mine. It is in a neat little sport boat. Let me know!!

regards Curt
sorry Curt I offerd it phil I can't sell it with out giving him a chance. if he don't want it I'll get with you on it



Thanks alot for the offer, my e-mail is [email protected], its different from the one supplied on the forum, if you can send some pics there along with some info. B) And Hap, if you can do the same ;) :D


Phil B) :) :D
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i have run $50 dollar radios for 2-3 years with no problems.

i dont know who would spent $800 on a stock engine but i know i wouldnt. i paid $210 for my 3.5 ss engine
not2bright said:
i have run $50 dollar radios for 2-3 years with no problems.
i dont know who would spent $800 on a stock engine but i know i wouldnt. i paid $210 for my 3.5 ss engine


If your going to run a Nova Rossi, thats what you'll have in it. If you it's a simple fact that none of the K&B motors will compete with a Nova Rossi.
yeah but a nova rossi is not a stock motor. k & b, os and thunder tiger are the only engines you can run in stock class