BC props/toxic dust?


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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2002
is it true that Beryllium Copper props have toxic dust, and sanding them [even by hand] is harmful? :-X :-X :- :-[

Afraid so Joe :( . It isn't the copper that is a problem, it is the beryllium. Occasionally we have to use the stuff in my work (building plastic injection molds) because of the excellent thermo properties & we have to use an air scrubber when ever we polish the stuff. The dust from it has been linked to cancer. I had a link to a site that talked about it in depth, but I can’t find it anymore. You can take precautions though. Use a good respirator mask, not the cheap paper ones, but a good one that has replaceable filters. & don’t polish them in an enclosed area like your house. Make sure that the area is well ventilated!
jeez, they should put little warning things on the prop packages!! i spent 2 hours sanding a prop last nite by hand with sandpaper...... :'( :'( - !@$#^@#^$@%@#!!!!

would this amount of exposure cause any signifigant damage?

Hand filing and sanding can be done underwater in a sink to prevent airborn dust. (use wet/dry sandpaper...it'll last longer ;D )
Joe, probably not, but I wouldn't continue that practice. :p

PJ is right about doing your polishing under water, that would work to prevent the dust from going airborne, & also help you sand paper last longer.
The Octura props do actually come with a warning suggesting that you should not dry polish the props.

Beryllium was a big deal ago in F1 car racing a few years ago before it was banned. I read some articles in various racecar engineering mags which suggested that it is not as bad as often thought. I shall have to see if I can find it again, but it suggested that the problem is almost like an allergic reaction. For most people it is harmless, but for some it quite dangerous.

So your minor exposure may not do you any harm. It would pay to be cautious tho! 8)

Just as a thought.... you should be carefull of any airborne particles, no matter what it is a little metal dust can't be that good for your lungs... i mean you wouldn't paint your boat without proper protection would you???
Never do anything without proper protection! So fasten your seatbelts and live long an prosper ;)
Octuras DO come with a warning sheet on back, Read it some time, You probably will never touch another Octura prop again.

Dust mask and face sheild.

Sanding underwater is a good idea.
YUP ;D the only problem is that they are allot more difficult to balance & polish because stainless is allot harder metal. :p

I have a s250 (s=stainless steel) on my 60 size hydro, & it took me over 6hrs just to get a mediocre finish.
Stainless are nice once all done.

i spent about 3.5 on a 215 prop.

I wish ABC props made just a tad bit small props.

Have you ever tried to file a heat treated ABC prop??

worse than stainless to file.

WHats worse, the BC dust, or Dremal tool in water doing a prop??
thanks for the info guys,

i'll be alot more careful next time.......i just realized that i've never bought a BC prop before, so i would know if there was a warning on the package!! the only one's i've bought new from a store were two Prather stainless.... : :)

Hi Guys

I think there's hype associated with working with BCu props. All the material I have seen talks about long term constant exposure to it. While I'm not suggesting reasonable precautions should not be taken don't get to wond up about working on these props. Unless you were doing props for a living I wouldn't be to worried about the occassional prop.

Any dust from any substance has the potential to harm you including sanding fibreglass. As modellers we are exposed to potentially harmful chemicals often. You can't let a little caution become irrational fear interferring with enjoying this great hobby.

Just have fun as safely as you can.


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