Aussie Nationals Anyone?


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Kris Flynn

Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2002
Guys, how did it go over in Adelaide? all the highs, lows and yeah, what ever else :)

I really wish i was there to run tunnels, but luckily i am having a few troubles of my own just trying to run for fun :blink: :unsure:

Anyway, it is getting there and i will hopefully get to run my Villain TOMORROW!!!! haha

Its the last round tomorow morning, there has been lots of carnage. the meeting and competitors are excelent. My G260 rigger has gone from a pile of @#&%@#* to an ultra reliable boat between the last day of practice to its first race.

Wayne Schute has been busy compiling the results so he can list them on the AMPBA site but as you can imagine anyone who is involved in running the event has very little time to get it all done. :unsure:

I would like to thank all of the Adelaide Model Power Boat Club for an excelent meeting. And also to our sponsors as we could'nt be without their support.

Im shure there will be heaps of info soon.



It has been good to meet so many interstate boaters.
Any news of how Tim, Ian, Mike G. or Craig did ? :(

Carnage...... Yikes!!! :eek:

Gene :blink:
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Ian finished third i think in X Hydro.

Tims boat is fast and he was happy to finish a couple of heats with his new P&L which was so tight he had to get it off TDC with a spanner.

Mike is a very happy boater he did place in 25 mono but i am not suer where, he also was exstatic when he was presented the rookie of the nationals trophy. I have never seen him smile so mutch. :D :D :D :D

I am not sure how craig went but i did get a radar on his twin A90 rigger at 122K out of bouy 6 :ph34r:

As for myself i am still trying to come down of the roof after beating Tony G in open gas hydro for 1st place. :p :p :p

my 11 year old son Ben finished 7th in B mono.

Ian should be back on line tonight and Tim is flying back today. so today and tomorow should see some serious posting going on.

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First off I would like to thank all the other Adelaide guys who helped out running the event, all the inter-staters who came over and made it a truely National event, but my biggest personal thanks goes to Grub (Justin Antoni) for doing a fantastic job in the thankless and difficult position of event CD. It was truely great to work with him and I personally learned a lot about how to run racing! :D

Dave (Riggermortise) Hatcliffe won 35 open gas hydro with good clean racing, good speed and great reliability. B) I haven't seen Dave stop smiling since!!!

Craig got 3rd (I think) with his A45 powered SG after some quite good racing. His MAC 67 Hummingbird showed potential but will need some trimming yet!! His A-90 Seaducer had some really good racing, but I cant remmember where he placed? He had some dud plugs and mixture problems take him out a few heats of X hydro with his twin A-90 powered Kingcraft hydro, but when it did go the speed was fairly impressive and there should be more in it yet! Must be the motor work! :p

Mike G won 16-25 gas cat with some very good racing, and trophied in another class, but I dont remmeber which (sorry Mike!) But his results were good enough that he was 5th in the Middleton Trophy list (best overall performance) and won the Murray Hunter Trophy (best overall performance for a first time nats competitor), which is a fantastic acheivement! Well done Mike!

Tim D had some bad luck with his K67 SG. It was very quick, but he had the cowl come off and he ran over it in two seperate races causing a bit of damage which took a while to find and correct and cost him a few more races. He did get one good race in, and won, and was a very happy chap! Tip for flying: just say they they are model boats, dont mention model power boats! :p

I got second in X hydro with my A-90 powered CHD Sprint hydro, from memory I only missed out winning by 100 points. The boat ran well (if a bit slow!) and was reliable except the two races I stuffed up due to driving errors. :(

In X mono I got 4th with my A100 powered Kingcraft mono, but probably would have got 2nd or 3rd if I hadn't been taken out of 1st place and second place in the last two races respectively. I was massively T-boned in both cases and suffered a good bit of hull damage, :angry: but the old Kingy's are pretty tough and the Seaducer and Kenducer that hit me were both much worse off! :D

Nitrocrazed racing: taking the magnets and bulls-eye out of the mono!
Look like someone we know? :lol:

I have to say a big thank you to Nitrocrazed and MikeG for putting up with me for the week! Had a great time hanging out with you guys!

Bill Annabel said to me boats are about 70% socialising and 30% racing and I'd have to say he's on the money!

I didn't get the 21 rigger ready for the trip so it had to stay at home :( I only took the K67/SG and when it ran it was awesome, problem was I didn't finish a race for the first three heats.(cowls prevent getting hosed down!) Won the last 2 tho' which was some consolation and the boat looks fast. It seems that I never used to put foam in my cowls for a reason - they would sink! Well guess who managed to hit his own cowl not once but twice, smashing the new cowl and damaging the rudder and transom of the boat :blink: :blink: :blink:

Happy New year everybody!

It was good to meet everyone. I am now planning the new fleet for an away trip this year ( hopefully Finley) with two boys wanting to race interstate i will be doing overtime most of the year. :(

Ian the G260 rigger isnt for sale now unless someone can offer me alot for it. :rolleyes: looks like Ben wants to race it here :eek: Bit scary hes only 11! So you better get yours done so we can have some good racing here again. :p :blink:
Ian, i htink i know what you mean about models on planes :angry: :rolleyes:

I was SOOOO close to not being able to take my K&B OB on the plane AT ALL because they thought it smelt like fuel, but i told them it was WD-40 and ATF they could smell ;) i think i will just post it back LOL

Sounds like the Riggers were popular AGAIN ;)

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Great racing, I am still over the moon about the Murray Hunter trophy, I had no idea about it until Tim mentioned it too me, and then it was all to stressfull. I still really need to find out more about it though. :unsure:

Dave deserves a great big [SIZE=14pt]CONGRATULATIONS[/SIZE] his hard work and perseverance paid off big time. :D

Justin did an incredible job, as did Ian, they had some heat to put up with the first day and came out on top pulling the reigns in for some great racing! (funny how tempers flair as the temperature goes up! and it was Hot out there!) Definitely the best run event I have ever participated in.

Tim was the biggest influence in my success, without him I would never have placed as well as I did. Pitman supreme! :lol: He did everything for me except hold the TX! It is amazing how he set me up, consistancy and smart racing got me back into it. After only finishing one out of the first four races I was pretty down, but 2 wins and a second in the next four races got me right back up again, Thank you so much Tim!

Another thanks to Ian for letting me stay at his house, I had a great time both racing and socializing. :D

As for airing laundry?????


Thanks Mike, im still sleeping with my trophy!!! :rolleyes:

You are right the pitman is the one who will do the most work and without them we would make too many errors.

I will be trying to get some more speed from the rigger over the next few weeks before tne next race meeting.

My wife wouldnt get me any trophy polish or a glass cabinet, i think she might be a bit anoyed when i sleep with it! B)

Justin & Ian worked well together without them it wouln't have been so good.

Thanks Guys.
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Hehehe - I forgot about [SIZE=21pt]DISCO KING[/SIZE]

Nitrocrazed racing: Disco King :lol: :lol: :lol:

TimD racing: 400 + 350 = 750.
So being told that the result would be changed was a lie then???? So much for a fair hearing. :angry:

You guys down there in Adelaide submitted the 3 cut rule change supposedly to give people the opportunity to argue thier case after the race - shame when put to the test is just a steaming pile of BS. I had a great time there - but that really hurt especially when I only competed in 1 class and it dropped me to 5th place rather than 3rd.

4 bouy cuts by myself and also the other remaining competitor in 1 race should suggest something was very wrong.....

In future - if I'm confronted with cutting a bouy to avoid hitting a dead boat, I'll just stop the boat out there too and take the zero points instead of the minus 200 that the AMPBC imposed. Not exactly in the spirit of racing but I never want to hit another dead boat. I'd rather not finish.

I do admit to hitting bouy 2 in the last race. Thus the 350 rather than 400. Sorry Craig!!

This is the last I will comment on this - I don't want to sour the event as generally it was a great meeting....
The first day was very hot and full of carnage and hot tempers (so bad I called a drivers meeting at the end of the day to tell everyone to go away and have a few beers and start Tuesday as a new day). Tuesday was a much cooler day and everyone got down to racing and less complaining. Wednesday, most competitors allowed me to combine heats when competitors withdrew some boats, sometimes putting the top six in the same heat. There was three or four instances where all competitors crossed the start line within half a second and raced the same. In the end a really good event to watch from the CD's area.

Big congratulations to Eric Arlitsch, entered B, C and X hydro, his C and X hydros were run over on the first day causing some problems and with help from fellow competitors patched the boats up to win the Middelton Trophy for the best performer at the nationals.

Good to see and meet everyone at Adelaide and lets get ready for the USA trip.

"A few beers".. Is that about a "slab" in Aussie talk? I met Mr. Annabelle in Slidell this fall and he was trying to educate me the social aspects of these races.

Sounds like a fun time, there are always a few tempers when we work so hard on these things and then there is an incident. Did Mr. Annabelle run? how did he finish with the twin??
Bill A's twin now has a water cooled radio box! He was hit by another twin. I'm sure he'll be on here soon to tell his story.
Yes EMS Racing made it back home safely!!!

Confirming my placings:

2nd X Mono

3rd B Hydro

Thanks to Ian for the finishing touches to the Hummingbird, Ken and David M for launch duties, Al for coming out of retirement, and anyone else I missed

Thanx also to the race organisers and officials.. :) (yes even you Grub)

The Twin is now getting stripped down for some 'modifications' so I think 122kph in race trim is going to be beaten pretty soon... may even put some paint on that really sticks to the boat!!! (sorry Magilla..)

EMS Racing Chairman of the Carpark Drinking Team

Well done! I might have placed better in X mono too if people didn't take me out so much... But my damage was light compared to theirs... :D

Thinking of converting my Hummingbird to 67 duties also. B)

Have to build my Widebouy yet.

Dont forget that A100 P&L!

Nitrocrazed racing: How do I let myself get talked into these things?