Approx Weights


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Andy Greene

Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2006
Trying to get an idea where I'm going to end up weight wise on my Atlas after the bottom mods(that work is 80% done-so I know where I'm at now). As of now I dont have a motor and pipe and some incidentals to actually weigh, so here I am. Approx how much weight are we adding to a hull that only has -stuff tube/bare radio box and rudder assem. installed ?? Ball park is fine- no need to break out the scales-LOL :rolleyes:

Figure on- .67 engine/pipe /header- fuel tank(tanks)/ radio gear/servo's-( I usually run a 7 cell hump rec pack) prop/ flex shaft ext....

Thanks in advance, ;)

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Trying to get an idea where I'm going to end up weight wise on my Atlas after the bottom mods(that work is 80% done-so I know where I'm at now). As of now I dont have a motor and pipe and some incidentals to actually weigh, so here I am. Approx how much weight are we adding to a hull that only has -stuff tube/bare radio box and rudder assem. installed ?? Ball park is fine- no need to break out the scales-LOL :rolleyes: Figure on- .67 engine/pipe /header- fuel tank(tanks)/ radio gear/servo's-( I usually run a 7 cell hump rec pack) prop/ flex shaft ext....

Thanks in advance, ;)

12 to 16 lbs, alot depends on the type of hull, if this is your Atlas, you DONT want most of the weight at the transom.
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My 83 U-1 is heavy at about 18lbs. but run's great!! also I am sure you ment a 5 cell RX Joe know's my Atlas, who posted above, I have Karl's old boat,
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Trying to get an idea where I'm going to end up weight wise on my Atlas after the bottom mods(that work is 80% done-so I know where I'm at now). As of now I dont have a motor and pipe and some incidentals to actually weigh, so here I am. Approx how much weight are we adding to a hull that only has -stuff tube/bare radio box and rudder assem. installed ?? Ball park is fine- no need to break out the scales-LOL :rolleyes: Figure on- .67 engine/pipe /header- fuel tank(tanks)/ radio gear/servo's-( I usually run a 7 cell hump rec pack) prop/ flex shaft ext....

Thanks in advance, ;)


Bare Hull + about 5.5# for running gear, paint will add another 1/2#+ :eek:

D Jensen
Trying to get an idea where I'm going to end up weight wise on my Atlas after the bottom mods(that work is 80% done-so I know where I'm at now). As of now I dont have a motor and pipe and some incidentals to actually weigh, so here I am. Approx how much weight are we adding to a hull that only has -stuff tube/bare radio box and rudder assem. installed ?? Ball park is fine- no need to break out the scales-LOL :rolleyes: Figure on- .67 engine/pipe /header- fuel tank(tanks)/ radio gear/servo's-( I usually run a 7 cell hump rec pack) prop/ flex shaft ext....

Thanks in advance, ;)

12 to 16 lbs, alot depends on the type of hull, if this is your Atlas, you DONT want most of the weight at the transom.
I'm not looking for a completed weight- well sorta - I want to know how much I'm "adding" to the existing package as I stand. No motor/pipe/radio gear or fuel-

Right know with only the rudder/bare radio box/turn fin and stuff tube- I'm approx 7 3/4 to 8 lbs. Joe, I would like you to take a look at where I'm at on the bottom mod's this weekend if you don't mind ?? Rick actually said it looks OKAY so far- but its hard to tell in pic's. ;)

Trying to get an idea where I'm going to end up weight wise on my Atlas after the bottom mods(that work is 80% done-so I know where I'm at now). As of now I dont have a motor and pipe and some incidentals to actually weigh, so here I am. Approx how much weight are we adding to a hull that only has -stuff tube/bare radio box and rudder assem. installed ?? Ball park is fine- no need to break out the scales-LOL :rolleyes: Figure on- .67 engine/pipe /header- fuel tank(tanks)/ radio gear/servo's-( I usually run a 7 cell hump rec pack) prop/ flex shaft ext....

Thanks in advance, ;)


Bare Hull + about 5.5# for running gear, paint will add another 1/2#+ :eek:

D Jensen
Okay so lets call that 6lbs- that puts me close to 14lbs total- less fuel- not bad then yes ??

Thanks PakMan.......

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Just build the dang thing & quit worrying about the silly S#%^TYour working on a model boat, not the space shuttle
OMG!! Rick that was FUNNY!! My sides still hurt from laughing! :p

A guy named Finch told me a long time ago weight is not always a bad thing......

....... I can't begin to tell how often that statement has been on the mark. B)
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Just build the dang thing & quit worrying about the silly S#%^TYour working on a model boat, not the space shuttle
Geeze, THANKS- Rick- One fricking week off the "Ray Board" and you bump me right back- <_<

**** good thing your too chicken to come to the 2 day before the Fall Nat's - I'd slap all the shzt laying in the garage into the boat and come find your azz - like you said- "quit worrying about the silly S#%^T" -

Better get in lane ten- I'm not worried about paint now ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

Can't wait to say "hey" :p :p :p :p :p :p

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"Better get in lane ten- I'm not worried about paint now"
Neither am I! I know how to redo it.

So, don't try to intimidate my Ars
Me ??? intimidate you - :lol:

Must have touched a cord- ;)

Geeze, I can't even get one wet yet and your drilling me- cant wait to run with ya :rolleyes: Maybe sometime in 2010 at this rate.....

By the way, good thing you didn't call me out on the "break out the stuff in the garage" post- Bout the best I could of done was tossed the neighbors cat in and hoped for the best !!!!

Sent you a PM about the Jenny Craig thing :rolleyes:

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andy.since you and rick can't play nice i will be making that trip sat morning.if any body in brandon wants to buy a very nice sport 20 of ricks it will be in my trailer to look at..price is very very good!!!!!