Anyone recognize these hulls?


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Peter Gise

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2009
My son passed away recently and had these boats in his collection. One is a Sport 40 size and the other looks like a 1/8 scale. Both have OS engines and the 0.67 is all new and was never run. I'd like to sell but don't know how to price. Any and all comments welcome.



The internal layout tells me the blue boat is the Dumas U-76 Atlas sport 40 while the other is the Dumas Miller American "scale" boat. You would be wise to try and build a cowl for the blue boat so you could sell it as a "complete" boat
Hey Pete,

So sorry for your loss. I also agree with HJ on the white boat. Appears to be a Dumas Miller. Pricing is usually determined by the condition of the model, how common they are and demand. The engine appears to be a K&B if I'm not mistaken. These are pretty rare now but more difficult to get parts. The Millers crop up here and there but you can't buy them new anymore. I would probably price that boat around the $400 range assuming its straight and no rot or damage. With a Radio shoot for $500. You may have better luck peicing it out...sell the engine seperately from the boat. That route, I'd start at $250-$300 for boat, $250 for engine. The other side to selling the larger boats is shipping. I had a couple sales go south because shipping was over $100 for an 1/8th scale. You might have good luck advertising in your local Craigslist. Just my take on it. Good luck :)


Thanks for the information. It is extremely useful. He has two Dumas kits in their original boxes so these are most likely Dumas as well.

The kits may/should bring more money than the completed hulls. Get the numbers off them and maybe we can give you an idea what they should bring
The kits are all NIB:

1. Hawk 3.5 rigger

2. SK Daddle 40

3. Miss Unlimited Hydro

4. Hotshot 3.5 Tunnel (box still in plastic shrink wrap)

The small ones seem to be selling for $50 - $75 and the larger kits like the Miss Unlimited for around $100.

I have the Dumas price list for all but the Miss Unlimited which judging from the box graphics is really an old kit...
The Miss Unlimited is still available from Dumas, listed price is $60. SK Daddle is shown at $60, with the SK Daddle Jr and SK Daddle Too are both still available for $40 and under. The Hawk is $175 and the Hot Shot "Sprint" is listed at $145

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