Any records from Valdosta?


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I got an e-mail from Jason. You know the saying "build it they will come", well it didn't work this time. Jason said they only had 2 count them 2 boaters show up for the 9 day records trial. Jason said this would be the last records trial he puts on. He didn't make enough money to cover the expenses of the event.
That sucks about the turn out.

To make sure I cover my butt on the expenses I just divide the expenses by the number of contestants whether it is 2 or 20 and charge accordingly.
Hey guys, sorry it has taken so long to get some info know how it is trying to catch up on missing 2 weeks of work.

Yeah, the turn out was kinda disapointing and the weather also kinda got the best of us at times. The first Sat was pretty good with the water very smooth all day except for about an hour or so, but the temps were around 85. The only boaters were myself running Ross' 12 boat and Matthew Waldron running his LS27 hydro. I spent the morning breaking in a new motor (it kinda stinks not having a place to run yet in Texas) and ended up the day making a few passes just off the record. I just couldn't find the power in the warm weather. Although Mattew spent most of the day running close to his record he was able to make a couple of passes well above the record (I don't have the time sheets with me, but I think his best was around 95 or 96 mph). For a while we all thought he was going to be able to bust the 100 mph mark, but it just didn't happen.

Sunday morning the big cold front blew in and made the water too rough to run. By mid morning on Monday we still had a strong north wind and Matthew and his trusty side kick Dom deceided to head back North.

By Tuesday the wind was still around 10 mph, but had shifted to the East which made the water really good. At this point we had two of the three things I needed to give a decent shot with the 12 boat...smooth water and cool temps, but we were missing at least one more boater to witness the times so Jason and I didn't even set up the timing equipment. This same story continued the rest of the week. It was a shame to see 4 solid days of perfect time trials conditions sit there with out being used!! :(

By the second Sat the wind had shifted around to the south at around 5-8 mph, but by the time Jay (a friend of Jason's) showed up to be a witness the water was good and I started playing with the A boat. By now all of the nice cool temps were gone and it was back to around 85 again. My first couple of runs were just short of the record and getting better when I dumped the boat and lost my good pipe. I ran a couple more times but was getting nowhere fast so we just packed it up deceided it just wasn't meant to be this time.

I wish we had more news to pass on about how it was a great time trials and how a bunch of people ran fast and set records, but we don't. I'm not sure what happened to the folks who called and told us they were coming, but they missed plenty of good water and plenty of running time. Oh well, sometimes life just gets in the way and we have to do what we have to do. :)

Hey Glenn:

Great report and sorry it just wasn't meant to be this time. I've driven 875 miles from Toronto to Huntsville, watched the water for 3 days, and turned around and drove back. Ain't as easy as it looks...

Thanks also for upholding the integrity of our records and not running without proper witnesses. Records are only meaningful if they are legit...

ps: great you could step in and take the records director position, I know Bill had enough of it. It's always better when someone does it that's directly involved. :)