Another Benchmark!


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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
Topic #1000 for the General RC Boating Forum!

Thats right...we bad! ;D

Propjockey Racing.....making the 'not so obvious' obvious! ;D
go prop jockey you really know how to make anoying posts don't you...

also noticed you almost at the 1000 posts go get them

i forget where i am on the number scale .....

down near 50 i think


destroyer racing
It's prety sad when victories in your life are dictated by how many posts you have made on a web board! : :)

Get out and run some boats! Quite playing on your computer! ;D

Here i thought id see something usefull like i added a flux capacitor to the reciever, turned the air cleaner to my .12 upsidedown, put micro bubbles on the hull, and some chineese speed wax made from the left foot of a grasshopper. now the boat does 225.... it will soon be sold on e-bay ;)

PJ, well, you know me... : :) I need something smart to say ;D Well, I'd try, but I'll just surprise ya this time. :eek:


OB Nut Racing: PJ goes after the cool benchmarks...... 8)
Keep doing them worthless posts, and you'll be there.

Do another bash PJ and you will be there in a few days,

and WOW, OB NUT was NICE this time. :eek:
