Ammunition shortage coming soon!


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Dec 28, 2001
Yesterday I read over on a gun forum the Pres of Russia mr Putin has stopped all Russian ammo companies from shipping anything to the USA. So if you have a sks, mosin nagate ,drauganov,or ak47 , the ammo and gun parts are gonna get scare soon. Some of the Russian ammo companies are Tulammo, Wolf,and the Bear brands. I went to a gun shop yesterday and they confirmed what I read online.
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Thanks for the info
hopefully this means Winchester or PMC will increase production of their copper/brass stuff; the Russian stuff is borderline useless to me thanks to being steel. No indoor range allows it.
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boy I'm sure glad that I reload and I have enough components to last me quite some time. No price changes for me!
This all stems from the fact that the ammo companies in the Ukraine are in Crimea and they supply the Russian bases there. With a potential unrest they are basically hoarding all the ammo in that area for themselves. Mr Putin isn't as dumb as he looks....
Russian companies have ammunition that it wants to sell U.S. consumers, and the dollars Americans spend on Russian ammo helps support the Russian economy. Why would Putin make that decision, if that decision has no upside for Russia?

If Putin wanted to irritate the Obama administration, he would do the opposite, he'd increase arms and ammo imports to the U.S. while cutting prices.

Wolf ammo is an American company , by the way. News of cancelled export agreements don't exist yet either.

Perhaps Russia is just ensuring that they have plenty of ammo for the Russian invasion of the Ukraine, if initiated by Putin.

Panic mongering causes the shortage, which is the same as what happened after Sandy Hook.

Sorry everyone, I don't buy the fear.
Wolf ammo is an American company , by the way.
that may be, but the ammo is still made in Russia. at least that's what it says on the boxes I have.

not that I'm all that concerned; I'm mostly hacked off at the jerks buying up all of the .22LR for whatever stupid reasons they have.
You are right. Ammo made in Russia. And Germany (22LR) others by Tula.

Wolf worldwide headquarters, division of SSI, Placentia, California, which is where My boxes say.

I will never put them in my gun again, no bimetal,copper coated steel. Made a mess of my Charles Daly 1911 ,45acp. Gummy bear mess.coating on the shells. PMC was awesome ammo, made the Winchester fmj's sound like a capgun.