Americas méat industrie....WARNING


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Ronald van Essen

Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2004
Do you eat meat?

Then please watch this very cruel some video about how animals are "treated" for our consumption of meat.

You need a strong stomach......Really be warned for these video shots.......

I just want everyone to know what is going on.......
A majority of this video is old footage of stuff that used to happen. Alot has changed in 20 years. As nasty as it may seem, this is the way it USED to be done. I am sure that some of this still goes on, but a majority of the slaughter methods have changed and it pretty much automated.

Not fair to title this vid, meat cause it implies only beef. I am a cattle farmer and have known what meat goes thru in its process to your house. That's why I either slaughter one of mine or buy from a local farm. You can't walk in most large grocery stores around here and get a steak cut, all comes pre=packaged. At walmart they don't even have a meat dept for any reason other than to put pre-packaged meat on the shelf out of a carboard box, and it says fresh ground, right. This video doesnt show you what medicines they give these animals before processing, thank about how a bull goes from 80lbs at birth to 1000lbs 8 months later, grass and feed aint putin on that kind of weight. . .

Now here's something to chew on for a bit. What percentage of imported foods are checked by the FDA? it will surprise and scare you at the same time. . .
I was born and raised in the country. We raised, slaughtered and cured our on meat. The animal was killed with a .22 caliber shot to the head then a knife was ran into the heart to drain the blood out. The chickens were usually shot in the head with the same 22. It is not pretty but you cannot wait for them to die from old age. Sometimes Mom would wring the chickens neck and pop it to break it. I never did get the hang of doing this. I would wring the chickens neck and when I turned it aloose, it would run off. It was a LOT harder to catch the chicken the second and third times.

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