Alky in Gas Boats- Just curious!


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Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2003
So since what we do is about speed. How come I have seen no mention of anyone running Alky in their weedeaters. Is it because their is no class for this or just to dangerous/expensive?
You can run alchohol in your weedeater engine,but you will have to run in the nitro class. The maximum allowable engine size in this class is 30cc. You will also have to either modify your carb or get an alchohol carb. The carb will need to flow about three times as much alchohol as it did gasoline. You may also have problems with some of the seals too.

I was mainly thinking of the all out speed thing. I read that the gas riggers are approaching 100mph and was wondering why nobody was messing with alky. I have no experience with the stuff myself, put either the next logical step is to spice up your gas or move up to alky. I don`t know the actual preformance gains one could expect but it seems to me that except for the need to carry more fuel/weight the benefits far outweigh the bad. Although maybe in a 2 stoke their is not that much preformance to be had.
Kevin, it's a Gas thing, if they wanted to run Alky then they may as well buy a CMB. It is not to see how fast a zenoah will go but to see how fast a gas boat will go running on regulation fuel.
Dyno testing with low nitro fuel and a glow plug shows some power increase with a very modified carb. As the nitro was increased to 40% the plug insulators blew out well before the power peak. Tests using the ignition system on the same fuel (40%) melted the plug electrodes.

Lohring Miller

Yep I think that is the same thing that happens with the full size motors. You could probably tweak things for an all out one way pass. But still would like some info on alky. Are not the cart motors that run it more powerfull than the Gas ones? Haven`t been into the carting thing for years but in my younger days my buddy had a Mac on alky and at the time I weighed 150lbs and it would smoke the tires with me on it. Bunch faster than the gas motor.
We were using the little 11mm spark plugs that are used on gopeds. If we ran a head button that used larger plugs, there would be a selection of racing type plugs that would hold up. McCoy 9 glo plug insulators started blowing with one or two runs on 20% fuel. We tried K&B HP plugs with a ceramic insulator, but couldn't get the engine to run. I am a local dentist, and I bet nitrous oxide would have similar problems.

Lohring Miller

Alky or alcohol is just that (no nitro). When I was racing speedway sidecars here in Oz it was just methanol. You get about a 5% increase but you have to run more compression and a main jet about 3 times the flow rate compared to petrol or 2-stroke mix in this case. I don't know what sort of increase you get from adding nitro but it is a lot I've been told but you can't run much % rates. Methanol is great to run if you just want to go fast but it's a bit of messing around to get it right.

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