AJM SP21 coming along


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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2003
Center section went together like magic last night. May have taken an hour.. nice and stiff,.. there was concern about some twisting with the design. ZIPP super mount is a dead on fit,.. I hope everything packs in there ok,.. looks to be plenty of room though. Planning front radio box and saddle tanks..






I like it! Looks like I'll have plenty of room for a Woods shaft oiler in that baby!
Oh yeah,.. the design intent was to make it super easy to build, wide open tub for wrap around exhaust,.. needles,.. oilers,.. I put that framing in to make it stiff,. .some glass will still be needed.. but it's stiff,.. Also for the motor to be able to get far enough forward to balance,.. I don't think a rear radio box will work well with it though. you will need the battery and radio weight up front. I'll be getting the tanks from Ryan hopefully today. One on each side of engine. Hardest part may be routing the linkages between the tanks and the motor to the rudder and needle.. but should not be a problem,..

I'm looking forward to getting this further along..

Making progress again.. Looking good at this point. Found a few build bugs as with any new layout.. Ill get the TF holes in the sponson heal and I'm ready to seal up that sponson. Then I'll glass the center section and seal it all up.. Don't think I'm even going to paint the boat,.. maybe just the cowl,.. seal it and go straight to the clear coat this time.






Ran this boat for the first time today. The boat is balanced .5 inch behind the sponson heal. Running my hull design, inspired by the ML310, NR 5p with reduced volume head button and flat top piston. 65 percent fuel, and brand new old stock Rossi pipe and a sholund 442 back cut. Ryan's plastic tanks, one on each side of the motor. ZIPP super 21 mount fits perfectly to the hull.

Initial set up was strut at about 3/16 deep from flat. Started way rich,.. I ran a few laps and the boat seemed a bit wet. Leaned down a bit, got better but hull still wet. I thought maybe the hull needed to air a bit so I lower raised the strut 1/8. Big difference,, now I was getting somewhere. I brought the boat in, checked the plug, still a bit rich. I raised the strut another 1/8. Tossed it back in,.. NOW I had throttle response and some air under the hull. The venting design of the hull is working very well. When the hull would start to lift it would dance side to side bit and settle back down, where many hulls would blow off. I leaned a few more clicks. POWWOW, now it's really working. I'm totally thrilled with the design. The tanks fill from the non TF side. This keeps the torque lift on that sponson at bay most of the run. I saw a touch of lift as the tanks emptied. The boat has only flat running surfaces. In other sp21 I had, there were curved surfaces. I think that this caused some of the hop in the corners as the curved surfaces pulled on the sponsons. I never saw any corner hop at all, well after I got the strut depth anyway.

I'm no longer hesitant to have anyone buy the kit. The changes I made were changes to make the build even easier but no changes to the running geometry. (And fix a few of my own errors).

The cowl I'm running is a wicked vacuum formed cowl made by Paul Renna. I was concerned about heat from the pipe. I vented in the intake scoop and let the air exit in a vent over the pipe. No problems at all. The 060 PC cowl is thick, stiff, and it takes almost NO prep to paint. This is the clear PC not the white ABS some guys are using. To me this is a major improvement over the fiberglass only because of what it takes to finish the cowl. Of course fiber glass will repair more easily. The ML boat works 310 cowls are also a direct fit.

This kit will be available direct from ML boat works. This is the best as we will have a single source for kits and cowls. If the demand is there PC cowls will be available also.

thanks to everyone that gave me input on the hull. I am very happy with the boat. This is the first time that I ever had a boat that was straight away a good runner.

I will continue to test props and TFs I'm most used to riggers so the drifting corners takes a bit more prediction in driving. I would like to see a little more carving but this is a trait of a sport boat,.. But I think I can get a bit more carve in it,..

Anyway. Thanks again for all your help. The business part, sales and orders will go through ML. I take no cash profit from any of my design work, cowls or hulls,.. Just some parts for my personal boats from time to time. More fun for me without the money aspect. I will be adding a 40 boat with the similar design theory, super fast and easy build, super strong and light. Sounds impossible huh,.. Not at all!

The build is very easy. The hardest part being wrapping the sponsons of course. Other than that it's stupid easy. No jig needed. Build on a flat surface.

Purchase with confidence. This new kit builds super fast, and sets up super easy,.. And is wicked fast. (Not at fast yours yet Mr Roach, but maybe you can build one)
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Pictures of the finished boat..

I was concerned about the exhaust routing.. but it didn't give me any issues..






How about a couple pics of the bottom of your finished hull - I was curious as to where your strut ended up with "The boat is balanced .5 inch behind the sponson heal."

Do you have a point of contact for "vacuum formed cowl made by Paul Renna". I have a that is 23" long X 7" that I'm trying to find a lighter weight replacement for. First time I have seen clear PC, and I find it quite interesting. CHEERS !!! Bob
this is where I started.. Similar to the GP boats. The GP had a CG further back that this one. I will check again.. but the strut height is now very close to level, meaning on the table the boat tub would be level. In the GP boat I had to run the prop deeper to get the hull up and out.. it was difficult.. I couldn't move the motor without tearing everything out,.. radio boat and all. Bert has actually done that to that boat!! we will see how it runs..
Here is a very rough pic for reference. .this is the GP310 bottom design.. it's alot different that than this one.. more scale hydro like I think.

ML310 bottom.jpg
Hey Anthony,

I would anticipate that with a flat bottom hull, the center of the stub shaft, would be about the same distance as the depth of the sponsons, so that the hull would run at a neutral angle to the surface of the water.

You said:

"Initial set up was strut at about 3/16 deep from flat. Started way rich,.. I ran a few laps and the boat seemed a bit wet. Leaned down a bit, got better but hull still wet. I thought maybe the hull needed to air a bit so I lower raised the strut 1/8. Big difference,, now I was getting somewhere."

Sounds to me that you actually lowered the strut.

Thanks for putting me in contact with Paul. I had a PM when I returned this afternoon. CHEERS !!! Bob
Actually, I had the strut too deep. It was raising the back of the boat and decreasing the AOA on the hull. This made it run wet,.. when I raised the strut the rear of the boat settled, and the AOA was increased. This put more air under the hull and it began to run nice and light on the water. When I designed it I planned to have the strut level,. no angle for efficiency.. but who knows where it will end up,.. I'll try for video this weekend..

I'm really looking forward to more testing. I have this crazy idea to run a cut down 1445 that I have.. probly too much but im going to try..

This boat is more fun than my last sp21,.. the last one I had set up all wrong.. I learned alot..
"Initial set up was strut at about 3/16 deep from flat......... so I lower raised the strut 1/8".

Just read over your initial post. I had read CG 5" aft of sponson rear plate - - now I see the .5 (decimal 5)

If you raised the strut 1/8" from initial set up of 3/16" - - do you really have a strut depth of 1/16" ???

I enjoyed exchanging PMs with Paul Renna about Clear Lexan cowls. This olde Dawg may learn some new tricks. CHEERS !!! Bob
yeah,.. he's a great guy to work with. We have a few projects cooking..

Well,.. my original set up, the tub was 3/16 higher at the transom than the sponson heal,.. pretty sure it's just about level now.. I will check with more detail .. and yes,.. the CG is 1/2 inch behind the sponson heal,.. It seems that with the CG close to the sponson back, the boat is more responsive to strut height changes. When I had it much further back,.. it didn't change as much as easily..

The lexan to me is the way to go. The 0.060 thick is tough stuff.. and you can paint it and seal it in an hour!!! ready to go the next day and looking like a million bucks..

no melting from the pipe which I was worried about..
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Ah Ha !!! It was not clear to me where your strut depth was, so I wanted you to clarify for those that may be interested in your hull.

Will you get the chance to race it before you start trying to sell kits??

The weather here in Houston are is just starting to get comfortable enough for me to go out to test. In a couple months, I'll be sending pics of us testing to Friends where the water goes solid - just to rub it in a bit. They usually have a much longer window to harass me about my lack of desire to play with toy boats when it's 100 degrees in the shade here in Texas. It's all good. Har, Har !!! CHEERS !!! Bob