Aerotech molds


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Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2002
I've noticed that nobody is running new Aerotech's. Do they still produce them?? Me and a friend are trying to figuer out how to buy the mold?? Can the Aerotech be Japped and a royalty paid to use the design?? How does it work when things have died off??

I would have to figure if someone ripped off my design I'd be pissed....But almost every boat on the market have some traits and characteristics of one or another tunnel hull.

Jim Wialliamson produced a good hull back in the 70's and 80's. Anybody know where the molds went??

Just trying to spin some wheels.... :D
Rod, just splash them as everyone else on eBay is doing! :D You need a 10% change on the boat to make it yours if you wanted to go that route which by the way, I don't personally approve of. The Leecraft and even the late Hobbico Top Speed have sponsons that look similar to the Aerotech's so you know that that part of the boat must work. Update the cowling and Voila!, you have a boat.

Contact 707 Specialties, maybe they could give you some help.

I miss that Aerotech that I sold to you. :(
Roddney Jim Willimson Splashed the Dunlap hulls,and changed the cowls abit..Same with the sport boat he made, Splash the Dave Frank, But changed the underside of the hull...Was wothless as a SP2 and as SP1... The Areotec look like a Lee Craft....
Thanks Bob. I didn't know which one came first. The might be other hulls out there also that may have similar sponsons. I was just trying to show that great designs do get copied.
Yeah it's the....old which came first the chicken or the egg scenario.

Ron I miss that Aerotech too. I tore up the rear transom worse than you did!!! LOL

Okay, back to the point so all I need is a new and clean Aerotech hull and convince Daddy Sundowner to let me splash his wicked Aerotech cowl he created and I'm in business.

SO GTR,,,,, is it cheaper for you to ship me your hull or cheaper for you to send me the molds you'd make me...LOL :lol: :lol: :lol: