Adjustable sponsons


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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2004
Hi all, Im building a .21 Eagle SG. The boat, from the factory, has no attack angle adjustment in the sponsons. Think I should should elongate at least the rear boomtube holes for some adjustment? I think every rigger I've owned has been this way?

Hmmmm..... I'm thinking I should just set it & forget it! Not my style, but who am to question Andy Brown's design?!?!?!?!?!
Ron Poepeel also says set it and forget it. :lol: If it has any bad habits, get back on here, ask the SG guru's they will fix it. B) B)
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Ron Poepeel also says set it and forget it. :lol: If it has any bad habits, get back on here, ask the SG guru's they will fix it. B) B)
The instructions say elongate the rear boom tube holes in the tub 1/8 inch got one right here

The best adjustment on most outriggers would be the front boom tubes.

I would provide adjustment on both the front and a little on the rear tube.

The angle of attack is what keeps most people stuck at the same speeds.

Joe we will test it out when you get it ready.

Have Fun,

Mark Sholund
Like Buck said, You will want to elongate both front and rear on any SGX. This will allow you to true up the boat. You will need a digital level. Make your measurements on the tops of the sponsons using the top of the tub as your reference point.

Also, make sure you remove any glue or paint build up inside the center shoe. You want the shaft tube to lay directly on the top of the ride pad.

Sears has a really nice digital level for around $30